
Monday, January 25, 2010

Mushrooms phobia

I get Disgusted by mushrooms since today (!!) The day where we were supposed to chop the mushrooms during Homecons lesson. Like EEWWWW. When you chop it, the liquid stuff will come out. Anyway, i added too much salt into my pasta; it stil tastes nice though... xD Tonight's dinner had mushrooms and i totally swallowed them down (not to waste food). And today, during Biology lesson, Phua Yong Yong showed us a video about Brad Ryan and his surgeries and stuff. OMG, i almost cry okay. It's like injecting a needle into your stomach and sucking the fats out of it. I can't say anymore. And as for CRYSTAL, VANESSA AND PEISI, STOP EMOing OVER SUNMI! Maybe she's the second prettiest in WG, but there isn't a need to talk about it all the time.... And YES! STOP STARING AT MY FRINGE, ESPECIALLY PEOPLE FROM TWO-SIX. It's a mistake asking friends if i look weird in my fringe. Better still, if they didn't realise it and i ask them, isn't it like asking them to see more? And to whoever that asked me.. nononono, i didn't cut my fringe, it magically fell out idiot!(Yes, adapted from FB)
There is this thing in facebook that irritates me. "HELP the people in Haiti now!" Let me tell you, go die. I can't even help myself, so you shall wait. CTs are just 17 days away and there is Math class test tomorow. For Biology, we were made to memorise Maltose, Maltase, Pepsin, Pancreatic Amylase, Trypsin, glucose, amino acids, Lipase, Fats, Bile, Faty Droplet, Glycerol..... There is also training tomorrow, someone please tell me i can pon. :/

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