
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Good day, good day :)
Celeste gave her account to me so I decided to blog about her day! :)

Today, Celeste missed the 2nd bus so she had to take the 3rd bus. She only reached school when the national anthem started to play :)
Celeste is pissed off with somebody today because that somebody is really irritating. :O ( how dare you irritate my Celeste uh?! )

When we were walking up the stairs, HuiJuan (2-5) found out that PeiSi wore her socks the wrong side. Celeste had a GREAT laugh. And even Li Ann run down to see what happened :O
But it was reallllllllllly funny.

Biology - Vanesa & I came to sit with Celeste infront to copy notes & listening to Mrs Phua's lesson .

Recess - Celeste accidentally shot MILLION of small ice cubes on PeiSi's face. It was like, omgoshingly a lot. She've never made such an accomplishment before xP Because of this accomplishment, PeiSi 'splash' milo on Celeste. But the milo ended up on Celeste's empty plate :D Another incident, SzeJia(1-2) wore one side of her socks wrongly & Celeste told SzeJia's friend. xDDDD

Geography - Celeste put her head down on the table and listened to Mrs Cumar talking about Population (again&again). Celeste was asked by Mrs Cumar to read out her answer of a question.

Music - I don't know what she did as I was FARRR AWAY :)

Maths - 2-6 (ialmost typed 1-6!) had maths test. Some of them found it easy (4) , many of them found it average, Celeste found it hard.

Lunch - Celeste bought Milo Dinasour with Jelly (eee) and Mr Lee said that if she drink that, she'll get sore throat. And guess what was her answer? ' I already have sorethroat what.' Mr Lee mind was blown off i guess, based on his expression - Shocked look and happy face. Then Celeste & us went to sit with Gladys they all. Talked about random stuff and I told her about this video about a random man, diving into the sea but ended up diving ONTO THE FLOOR. -.- His head split and was sent to the hospital. Then the video showed us that Actually, the whole head split into half and the nurse was trying her best to stick it back. Celeste was 'eww-ing' all the way.

English - I don't know what Celeste did as i didn't really took notice xP

Track - I think she ran 11 km again? I think she runs 11km every track day. :O

Ok, Crystal is going back to her books now xP

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