
Friday, January 8, 2010


Today had loads and loads of stuff to do lah, i'm exhausted alr. Kok gave the class com things to do and to be done in a few hours.. Better still, Crystal left her whole fileat home with everything inside. The time-table today also quite packed. Chinese, Mathematics, Recess, Music, PE, Biology. I did my homework durng chinese lesson. Teacher like blind de... I can still arrange the consent forms. And finish my Math homework and at the same time 'pay attention'. WTH lah, Chinese cher still giving us 听写 this year. Cause of my awesome results last year to be in that class D: 王老师 is going to further her studies for the whole of this year. I guess everyone will miss her lahh :(((((((((((((((((((((( Mathematics was quite enjoyable? Gan explained it well, everyone could understand her explainations... She was quitefunny also, but serious at the same time. During recess, we went to the cafe; i only drank milo. Vanessa did the 陈威廉* action, damn funny. Jolene and Yi Yue said Me, Crystal and Pei Si have gone crazieee, cause we kept laughing non-stop, like laughing gas like that, hah.After that went for music in the IT Lab, apple com! (: But we didn't use the computers, teacher jst told us rules and stuff. But for the rest of Term 1 and 2, we'll be using this lab for music. And also for IT Lesson; hopefully. Had PE after that, 2-6 was late for like 10 mins.Lee Wei Te said he missed teaching our class, Crystal and i were like LOL lah, since when he would miss 1-6'09, are you serious? Then he told us a even better JOKE! ;D He said we'll be learning Folk Dance for Term 1 (!!) Beter still, He'll be the one teaching us the dance Almost the entire class started laughing, like ROFL; LMAO. Then we had Biology after that, some class took our science lab. And we couldn't do a proper experiment; mine was considered PASSED lah, too bad for some other ppl :P. Esheen was so Efficient luh, she brought bread for me! :O Then after peeling sme bread crumbs into the test tube, We added Benedict's Solution into it, like twice the amount of crumbs. Put the test tube into a beaker of boiling water and see the changes from Blue > Green > Yellow > Orange > Orange-red. Like so cool lah, next lesson we should be doing potato one. We were dismissed late today bacause of the experiment; 1:45pm. Met at Track board at 2pm and set up the things for CCA Fair. I'm still deciding whether to change CCA. I was actually successful for Guitar but they put me into Track. Mr Lim will also be sending the C'div for a competition on 120110.

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