
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Found Memories Of 1-6'09

Thinking back, i think i really missed 1-6'09. I should have blogged about this on the last day of 2009 :/I'm blogging this cause Crystal also did the same thing. Here are some memories; the good, the bad about 1-6'09.

-First of all. Mr Lee, our form teacher, how GAY-ness he is...
-Mdm Amuda, late coming report-er only knows how to SMILE at Mr Lee & NAG at us.
-1-6 got the class committee and stuff, voting Gladys and i to be the class monitors
-Mr Lee gave us the class seating arrangements with me sitting with my ENEMY since Primary 1; SERENE FOO SI MN.

-After knowing all of us better, Mr Lee changed our seating arrangements again. -.-
-I was made to sit with Yi Yue, she's so much better.

-Sec 1 orientation'09 was the SHINGZ for our class.
-Prefect: Stephanie, Peerlites: Theing Hiang and Joanne
-Also made to stay back to do Chinese New Year banner (Valerie, Pamela, Celeste, Crystal, Vanessa, Pei Si, Li Ann, Charlene, Sara..)
-How much time spent thinking of the Class Theme and Cheer
-The amount time we spent deciding about the class tee, till Li Ann gave her idea
-We've never had a PROPER class-outing, Max. 15 ppl
-The amount of cliques we have= (The Guai and the Pai Kias)
-The BLUR-est Meryl in our class
-The number of bookworms in our class, can count till 20?

-The number of UNGLAMS taken of the WHOLE class & teachers :D
-The Nicest and Bestest teacher during Converstional Malay who tired really,really HARD to control our class
-The many times teachers complains about our class; noise level and attire
-The days we love having History, Chemistry and Geography...
-How many food wrappers that can be found in our class
-The headaches we'll get choosing teammates for Groupwork
-How everyone used to fall asleep during Ms Wong's Math
-How much we love going other websites during IT lessons
-How bored we'll all get during Mrs Yip's lessons...
-How we always bargain with Mr Lee during PE lessons
-How we usually enjoys Mdm Wang's Chinese lessons
-How we FOUGHT HARD in every competition just to make sure it's fair
-How my Clique used to go Library almost everyday to use the computer when
internet games/ebuddy or whateve is not allowed. Only can use for project work and Country Pumpkin would always come to do spot check on us...

-How much our class dislike singing and were made to sing National Anthem and School Song to the vice/principal...
-How much our class (L) the Toliet when lesson are going on..
-How much we like to compare Pei Si with Ms Wong's height, though Ms Wong never won; she even lost to En En? LOLS
-How Esheen would count the number of times Mr Ng swept his sweat on his face
-How the Relay System would never ever work on our class, NOT EVEN ONCE.
-How Mr Lee would make our class pass our 2.4km when it's not possible, for some.
-United we stand, not to wear traditional costumes during Racial Harmony Day and can still proudly take a class picture with our school uniforms, just like class photo.

-Given the Dirtest Class award more than Cleanest Class award
-When Vanessa, Crystal and I would be mistaken Mdm LOH with Mdm LOtI, it just looks like Mdm Loti to us. Heh. And we would just greet her as Mdm Loti.

-Receiving birthday cards from Mr Lee and Mdm Amuda...
-How much Pei SI and I would complain that Ms Wong took our white board markers away and either Gladys or Me have to get new markers from the General Office..

I guess i'll just stop here, too many to mention already. 1-6 will always remain as 1-6, even though 2 person have left our class and 1 new student joined, we could feel the Great Difference, here's the fond memories of 1-6'09 and it'll will be MISSED MUCHLY! :)

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