
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Homing with Crystal (:

CRYSTAL came to my house today (!!!)(L) We computer-ed for until 2PM(VANESSA!!) then started with Chinese. The homework(作业) was like SUPERRRRRRRRRR easy can.I finished it the yesterday and Crystal copied mine =.= Then we read English-Fatal something and History textbooks? English is easy to read lah, BUT History read SHIT lor. We couldn't understand a thing, okay maybe some. But Crystal has already read Chapter 1 of History for the Second time already!! Mr Ng said that if we can do well for China+India+Southeast Asia, Singapore's History would be so much simpler for us. I'd rather study about Korea, America, Japan or whatever but WHY SINGAPORE? I'm already scared of SG History since Social Studies taught in Primary School. Crystal said that mom's bed is really hard, i mean i got used to it already so okay what.. And and and, we did some things related to electronic stuffs. Sorry to all affected! HAH. (:

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