
Sunday, January 10, 2010

The HARDCORE game...

Today was Games Day in YE (!!)(L)(Y) And also a day where we get to know our cell groups. Ben,Andrew,Max,Aaron,Hazel,Hannah,Esther and friend(fgt her name) are in my group. Benjamin a.k.a Ben a.k.a the COOLEST CGL. (: LOLS! Group name: EDGAL!!(: Paul plans all the games, really COOL ones too! :D Firstly, he got all the new comers to take as many toliet paper they need and after that, made them intro themselves with the amount of toliet papers they took... We played some 'Fresher' and all the werid names of the games.. We didn't have enough time to finish all the games.... :(((((((((((((( The games can be said that i've never heard, seen, played before and a little HARDCORE though.. BUT fun! Heh. I did win 3 points for my group in that hardcore game i played, i mean which everyone has to play a part in; lols. Two groups were in like this 'enclosure' and the other two were surrounding outside. (Edgal + Harry= Harry + Egdal= Hairy Edgal, lols) had to start first. After running around the spaces for like 3 mins, i then realised that Louis and I were the only ones left(!!) I was WONDERing why everyone was standing outside, cheat?!? but NO! Really only 2 persons left. Luke said i was Lucky, but one minute later, Regina came towards me with the newspaper, how Lucky can that be? Anyway, Vanessa, Deborah and I went to the coffee shop near church after all games. I didn't have breakfast, so did lunch and only drank milo(: but i wasn't at all hungry(!!)(eh, i'm not on a diet horr) We went for Service(late) for the last hour :P I felt like vomitting during service so i took a rest= sleep. And Shaunald said i was sleeping during Service= not bothering. NO LOR!! After Service, wanted to take MRT with Eunice to Orchard, but i saw Aunty Laura and she offered to give me a lift, how can i reject! haha xD

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