
Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday Gladys! (:

The superr chio classmate! ;D Sorry, cannot see your chio-ness here. But you're still DAMN PRETTY! (: I'll treasure this picture cause you HARDLY Smile for the camera except for class photo. Stay Chio Always! :))))))))))))))))))))))

Today is the Busiest day of the week with Morning Exercise, Chinese, Geography, English, Literature, History, Mathematics. Slient reading, i didn't get to read pages of my book! Did 500 skips for Morning Exercise and the teacher then asked us to continue with 300 more. In total i did 689 until the time was up. During Geography, Mrs Cumar said that we would start on a new topic and then she went back to Human Population; how boring is that. The first topic which can be finished teaching within one lesson, and it took her 4 weeks to end it. English was again; to describe it in one word: BORING~ Literature! Mr Teo said we'd get chocolates if we answer his questions. Freda and I requested for ROYCE or GODIVA! But obviously NO. Then i gave him a 'discount'. How about Kinder Brueno? At the end of the day, you'll get chocolates. But he didn't state what brand; lols. I love History!! It's amazingly interesting especially with the help of the AWESOMEST Textbook and COOLEST Mr Daniel Ng! (: GET WELL SOON TEACHER! (: Ms Gan didn't come to class for Math, instead Mrs Low took over. How good is she? As good a road sweeper! xD We asked her how to slove a particular question and wanted her to teach us. She said "Don't give up! If you dunno, keep on trying, never give up!" Damn funny. We asked her to write what she said on the board and she really did. Come on lah, you're like super retarded and reminded us of Ms Yan from Primary School. The teacher who wear somewhat like Pyjamas to school are the pants are superrrrrr high. But who knows? Someone wanted to get married to her. The difference between Mrs Low and Ms Yan is that Mrs Low wears a dress and Ms Yan wears Pyjamas. And the best part is that when we told Vanessa she looks like Ms Yan, Vanessa actually greeted Mrs low as: "Good Afternoon Ms Yan". Anyway, almost everyone has CCA today, that excludes me. We did the Chinese New Year banner for the class, hopefully we can win this year! (: Class banner is done. Creadits to all the Guai Kias' in class! xD

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Good day, good day :)
Celeste gave her account to me so I decided to blog about her day! :)

Today, Celeste missed the 2nd bus so she had to take the 3rd bus. She only reached school when the national anthem started to play :)
Celeste is pissed off with somebody today because that somebody is really irritating. :O ( how dare you irritate my Celeste uh?! )

When we were walking up the stairs, HuiJuan (2-5) found out that PeiSi wore her socks the wrong side. Celeste had a GREAT laugh. And even Li Ann run down to see what happened :O
But it was reallllllllllly funny.

Biology - Vanesa & I came to sit with Celeste infront to copy notes & listening to Mrs Phua's lesson .

Recess - Celeste accidentally shot MILLION of small ice cubes on PeiSi's face. It was like, omgoshingly a lot. She've never made such an accomplishment before xP Because of this accomplishment, PeiSi 'splash' milo on Celeste. But the milo ended up on Celeste's empty plate :D Another incident, SzeJia(1-2) wore one side of her socks wrongly & Celeste told SzeJia's friend. xDDDD

Geography - Celeste put her head down on the table and listened to Mrs Cumar talking about Population (again&again). Celeste was asked by Mrs Cumar to read out her answer of a question.

Music - I don't know what she did as I was FARRR AWAY :)

Maths - 2-6 (ialmost typed 1-6!) had maths test. Some of them found it easy (4) , many of them found it average, Celeste found it hard.

Lunch - Celeste bought Milo Dinasour with Jelly (eee) and Mr Lee said that if she drink that, she'll get sore throat. And guess what was her answer? ' I already have sorethroat what.' Mr Lee mind was blown off i guess, based on his expression - Shocked look and happy face. Then Celeste & us went to sit with Gladys they all. Talked about random stuff and I told her about this video about a random man, diving into the sea but ended up diving ONTO THE FLOOR. -.- His head split and was sent to the hospital. Then the video showed us that Actually, the whole head split into half and the nurse was trying her best to stick it back. Celeste was 'eww-ing' all the way.

English - I don't know what Celeste did as i didn't really took notice xP

Track - I think she ran 11 km again? I think she runs 11km every track day. :O

Ok, Crystal is going back to her books now xP

Monday, January 25, 2010

Mushrooms phobia

I get Disgusted by mushrooms since today (!!) The day where we were supposed to chop the mushrooms during Homecons lesson. Like EEWWWW. When you chop it, the liquid stuff will come out. Anyway, i added too much salt into my pasta; it stil tastes nice though... xD Tonight's dinner had mushrooms and i totally swallowed them down (not to waste food). And today, during Biology lesson, Phua Yong Yong showed us a video about Brad Ryan and his surgeries and stuff. OMG, i almost cry okay. It's like injecting a needle into your stomach and sucking the fats out of it. I can't say anymore. And as for CRYSTAL, VANESSA AND PEISI, STOP EMOing OVER SUNMI! Maybe she's the second prettiest in WG, but there isn't a need to talk about it all the time.... And YES! STOP STARING AT MY FRINGE, ESPECIALLY PEOPLE FROM TWO-SIX. It's a mistake asking friends if i look weird in my fringe. Better still, if they didn't realise it and i ask them, isn't it like asking them to see more? And to whoever that asked me.. nononono, i didn't cut my fringe, it magically fell out idiot!(Yes, adapted from FB)
There is this thing in facebook that irritates me. "HELP the people in Haiti now!" Let me tell you, go die. I can't even help myself, so you shall wait. CTs are just 17 days away and there is Math class test tomorow. For Biology, we were made to memorise Maltose, Maltase, Pepsin, Pancreatic Amylase, Trypsin, glucose, amino acids, Lipase, Fats, Bile, Faty Droplet, Glycerol..... There is also training tomorrow, someone please tell me i can pon. :/

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Went for 59th Cross Country Championships '10= some SAA thing. Very tiring and also utterly disappointed. I did WORST than training timings.... The first person that came in was 15mins and our teacher said we took 30mins. 2 TIMES, can you BELIEVE it? 2 TIMES(!!) Usually for training we run 3km- 17mins and 5km-25mins. But today is ONLY 4.3km and we took longer than 5km. My dad was at the starting point, TAKING ALL MY UNGLAMS. And he also took Francine's and Li Xian's. Anyway, the guys did 5km and i dunno what's the fastest timing cause by the time they finished, i guess i'm already having my lunch. I ate at IKEA!!! AHHHHH, the Wings and Meatballs rocked! :D And i'm doing my homework now, Homecons sucks(i mean the research). I've completed Math last night, 4 questions only... I'm gonna start with Chinese later and do some revision OR watch television, if there's any nice shows OR read my book! (: Christine wants to read my posts, so i'll have to open it up again. LOLS. There's English tuition tomorrow. I skipped Science tuition today because of SAA, but the timings for YE and making up of Science tuition clashes. Study is more important, but we also cannot neglact GOD right? So i'll have to make a wise decision. How Ironic.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Packed TT.

Today's time-table is very packed, so is my bag. I went to school with my heavy bag and needed to carry books on my hand. Chinese was first, we needed to do compo in class but teacher only gave us 15 mins to complete it. But not enough time, so we brought it home. During Geography, Freda, Valerie and I kept on talking about the exciting groupwork assigned to us. (: Mrs Cumar shouted at us:" DO THE THREE OF YOU WANT TO GET OUT OF THE CLASS?" haha, i was still giggling. I'm in the same group as Christine and Crystal (!!)(L)(Y) Vanessa, PeiSi and Juliet are in the same group. Hias, why can't they have 4 persons to a group? And now the four of us have to split up.... Literature was still as boring, so is the Jumping Jack. He made Janis do an action which was really really funny. History was interesting! ;D I think Mr Ng and Mr Teo are goodfriends, but they're of the opposites, haha. Math had only 1 period today, quite short, but still FUN! (: After school(1.25pm), Crystal, Vanessa and PeiSi have CCA(3.30pm). Inbetween that timing, we(Clique, Dawn and Christine) went over to primary school for lunch through the side gate. Saw Ms Neesa and Xu Lao Shi and Lin Lao Shi and Ms Ho. :))))))))))))))))))) Dawn was right, she warned us not to be too close to Christine if not she'll be going back to England next year and we can only get to see her during the holidays. I'm really afraid that i can't hold my emotions and tear; ahhhhhhhhh. :/ After that, we went back to class and Christine gave us(Clique, Freda, Eunice, Rachel, Pamela, Priya, Wan Fang, Valerie?) another Geography lecture. Not exactly a lecture but quite interesting. And her courage to share what she have researched! She's also another opposite of me. She can remember things really well. Crystal is going to be my Clone also, he becoming like me; haha. We both have this UNCERTIFIED STM.

Monitor's Training

21st January 2010
There was this bloody Monitor Training and wasted my precious timeeee. Luckily Class Com members were also asked to go for the training. It was supposed to end at 5.15pm, but in the end? 5.45pm, WTH lah. I wanted to go for training cause this coming Saturday have SAA competition at Bedok Reservior so i need to train (!!) Valerie Wee went for my training, for auditions of course. She said that it's TIRING BUT FUN! (: Anyway, the Monitor's training is really unnecessary for me cause i went for it last year already...Mg Yang kept scolding us and also, the Sec 1 girls are very ACTION lah, hate them TTM. xD

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Paramore, don't go away (!!!)

Selling Fast, i've yet to buy any tickets!!!!! :/ Hannah Hoisington and Alfreda have bought their tickets already (!!)
Today during History lesson, Mr Ng went superrrrrr fast. We have only like less than 3 weeks left and he haven started on any topics(3) yet! I really HOPE SBQ will help pull my History marks up, 70% leyy! Mathematics seemed long today, still interesting. Ms Gan trusted me, haha. After i told Christine she's fat (i was just joking and she took it for real) she went on a DIET! CRAP lah. She took breakfast, skipped Recess and lunch.... ... OMG i feel DAMN BAD now lah. Natalie Quek was absent again! She PANGSEH me so many times during chinese lesson lor. Anw, it's not like when she's in class i'll be more attentive/awake. I'm still as sleepy and blockhead-ed. That's why teacher always ask me to answer questions.. it's not like the questions require much thinking, they're so direct from the text (eh, i'm not boasting here okay) GET WELL SOON QUEKY! xD

Why are Chapel sessions so short? (45 mins) Trinity CC came to our school for Chapel today. A church which belong to Charity and Vanna, heh. The speaker wasn't that bad= good, lols.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Finally met MEILIA (!!)(Y)

I found out that Meilia is in the same group as me (!!)(Y) I finally met her in Church yesterday. I didn't go for Service cause needed explaination for History. Bloody school went to change the rule that Hols HW is 30% for CT. So a group of friends and I went to take back our answers and today after i changed it, it was from half a page to one and a half pages. ^^ Thanks Samuel and Eunice for giving me the rough ideas.. :)))))))))))))) It really took me a long time to complete that homework! lols. Anyway, is there some connection/relationship between siblings other than they're siblings or share the same family? It's like after YE, while everyone is gone for Service, Luke was still there and he left after awhile. Then Mark came with AKF and the other ppl for meeting and then left. After that, Paul and Martin came. That was what i meant, they took turns to come...... I TRIED really REALLY hard to read my Teenage magazine and then Martin wanted to read (Max i also dunno why he gets interested in that magazine). I read my storybook instead, but it turned out that everything i try taking out to read FAILS, epic lah. Martin read on one part that says ' There are no DECENT Guys' ahah, he read it aloud. And Paul read out the entire thing, DAMN FUNNY. And then Paul asked me:

Paul: "Do you know what is Condom?"
Me: "Yah"

Paul: "Where did you learn that from OR Who taught you that OR you learnt it yourself?"
ME: "My school friends said it?" (In my mind, lols)

Why can't i just go out dinner with my friends? Especially at night? You don't seem like you're over protective of me but you always stare at me when i ask you WHY?..... You also dislike it when i go over to my friends houses, that's why, most of the time you're happy! Cause i've not been telling you the truth. I feel really GREAT and AWESOME going to their houses without your permission; but i do feel BAD. Can't you just say YES for ONCE?

Friday, January 15, 2010


Yesterday we made Chicken Buger for Homecons (: Ms Gan is making Math lessons more and more interesting (Y) Maybe my math will pull up my overall this year? I really hope so.
Christine followed us for recess again, it seems like she have no one else to follow... Anyway, it also seemed like everyone is 'attracted' to our clique. Most of the time, the places we sit during recess/lunch, it'll be filled with our other classmates who wants to join us. Luckily we only have 4 persons unlike P5/6. We used to have 10 people in one clique for 2 years, fun huh? Missed those years lah..We had Music in the Apple com lab again, Mr Eng just keep talking. We weren't allowed to switch on the computer. He went on talking about Garage Band and how we were supposed to use it. It took him 15 mins to fix the sound system while 2-6 was like in a Market Place, heh. PE was Awesomely fun! (: I thought we were supposed to be dancing? But instead we table tennis-ed, Ball rolling and shuttle run-ed. Each group is supposed to have 5 person and our clique of course asked Christine lah, lols. Vanessa and Christine were like both jokers can. Like OMG, how stupid can a person be? I kick one time, the ball reach the finishing line(80m) alr... Obviously, my other 4 team mates are from SLACKER clubs, fail fail fail; EPIC. :P The best part is Christine kicked the ball and hit Mr Lee, lols. And Vanessa gave up kicking the ball. She picked the ball up and ran back, so all in all we won cause we they cheated.

Green Day(!!!)(L)(Y)

I went for GREEN DAY'S CONCERT yesterday!!!! :)))))))))))))))))))) so i'm blogging in GREEN just for today! (: It totally rocked (!!)(L)(Y) They all very good looking but looked COLD BLOODED cause of their make up, heh. I was like 2m away from lead singer only; ahhhhhhhhhhh. Not as close as LEE MIN HO though, less than half a metre (: They 'played' Moosh where everyone could/can/should/may get injured. I got stepped, not really pain lah xD Anyway, i admit that my pictures are blur cause he keep moving... and thats the best quality of the video i've taken. The videos take DAMN long to load lah.. If my dad gets his bonus this month, he'll treat us to PARAMORE's concert, if not, my brother will pay for me FIRST. And i'll have to pay him back by installment... :/

Align Left

Cause the video take SUPERRRRRRRRR long to load
I also dunno why, but 30 minsfor a video
I'll try again soon. (:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Homing with Crystal (:

CRYSTAL came to my house today (!!!)(L) We computer-ed for until 2PM(VANESSA!!) then started with Chinese. The homework(作业) was like SUPERRRRRRRRRR easy can.I finished it the yesterday and Crystal copied mine =.= Then we read English-Fatal something and History textbooks? English is easy to read lah, BUT History read SHIT lor. We couldn't understand a thing, okay maybe some. But Crystal has already read Chapter 1 of History for the Second time already!! Mr Ng said that if we can do well for China+India+Southeast Asia, Singapore's History would be so much simpler for us. I'd rather study about Korea, America, Japan or whatever but WHY SINGAPORE? I'm already scared of SG History since Social Studies taught in Primary School. Crystal said that mom's bed is really hard, i mean i got used to it already so okay what.. And and and, we did some things related to electronic stuffs. Sorry to all affected! HAH. (:

Monday, January 11, 2010

No School

NO SCHOOL tomorrow! (Y) thanks to Seniors who did well for their O levels (: PeiShi got 6 points after taking away some, damn SMART LAH! She's intending to put NJC as first choice. Jerald got 7 points, very good also. I saw Hilary and WanLeng in school. Hilary was crying lah, omg hope she didn't do so badly! :/ Well, for those who haven done well, God has a plan for you. Maybe you're just not cut for exams, heh. It's never too late to work harder! (:

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The HARDCORE game...

Today was Games Day in YE (!!)(L)(Y) And also a day where we get to know our cell groups. Ben,Andrew,Max,Aaron,Hazel,Hannah,Esther and friend(fgt her name) are in my group. Benjamin a.k.a Ben a.k.a the COOLEST CGL. (: LOLS! Group name: EDGAL!!(: Paul plans all the games, really COOL ones too! :D Firstly, he got all the new comers to take as many toliet paper they need and after that, made them intro themselves with the amount of toliet papers they took... We played some 'Fresher' and all the werid names of the games.. We didn't have enough time to finish all the games.... :(((((((((((((( The games can be said that i've never heard, seen, played before and a little HARDCORE though.. BUT fun! Heh. I did win 3 points for my group in that hardcore game i played, i mean which everyone has to play a part in; lols. Two groups were in like this 'enclosure' and the other two were surrounding outside. (Edgal + Harry= Harry + Egdal= Hairy Edgal, lols) had to start first. After running around the spaces for like 3 mins, i then realised that Louis and I were the only ones left(!!) I was WONDERing why everyone was standing outside, cheat?!? but NO! Really only 2 persons left. Luke said i was Lucky, but one minute later, Regina came towards me with the newspaper, how Lucky can that be? Anyway, Vanessa, Deborah and I went to the coffee shop near church after all games. I didn't have breakfast, so did lunch and only drank milo(: but i wasn't at all hungry(!!)(eh, i'm not on a diet horr) We went for Service(late) for the last hour :P I felt like vomitting during service so i took a rest= sleep. And Shaunald said i was sleeping during Service= not bothering. NO LOR!! After Service, wanted to take MRT with Eunice to Orchard, but i saw Aunty Laura and she offered to give me a lift, how can i reject! haha xD

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Found Memories Of 1-6'09

Thinking back, i think i really missed 1-6'09. I should have blogged about this on the last day of 2009 :/I'm blogging this cause Crystal also did the same thing. Here are some memories; the good, the bad about 1-6'09.

-First of all. Mr Lee, our form teacher, how GAY-ness he is...
-Mdm Amuda, late coming report-er only knows how to SMILE at Mr Lee & NAG at us.
-1-6 got the class committee and stuff, voting Gladys and i to be the class monitors
-Mr Lee gave us the class seating arrangements with me sitting with my ENEMY since Primary 1; SERENE FOO SI MN.

-After knowing all of us better, Mr Lee changed our seating arrangements again. -.-
-I was made to sit with Yi Yue, she's so much better.

-Sec 1 orientation'09 was the SHINGZ for our class.
-Prefect: Stephanie, Peerlites: Theing Hiang and Joanne
-Also made to stay back to do Chinese New Year banner (Valerie, Pamela, Celeste, Crystal, Vanessa, Pei Si, Li Ann, Charlene, Sara..)
-How much time spent thinking of the Class Theme and Cheer
-The amount time we spent deciding about the class tee, till Li Ann gave her idea
-We've never had a PROPER class-outing, Max. 15 ppl
-The amount of cliques we have= (The Guai and the Pai Kias)
-The BLUR-est Meryl in our class
-The number of bookworms in our class, can count till 20?

-The number of UNGLAMS taken of the WHOLE class & teachers :D
-The Nicest and Bestest teacher during Converstional Malay who tired really,really HARD to control our class
-The many times teachers complains about our class; noise level and attire
-The days we love having History, Chemistry and Geography...
-How many food wrappers that can be found in our class
-The headaches we'll get choosing teammates for Groupwork
-How everyone used to fall asleep during Ms Wong's Math
-How much we love going other websites during IT lessons
-How bored we'll all get during Mrs Yip's lessons...
-How we always bargain with Mr Lee during PE lessons
-How we usually enjoys Mdm Wang's Chinese lessons
-How we FOUGHT HARD in every competition just to make sure it's fair
-How my Clique used to go Library almost everyday to use the computer when
internet games/ebuddy or whateve is not allowed. Only can use for project work and Country Pumpkin would always come to do spot check on us...

-How much our class dislike singing and were made to sing National Anthem and School Song to the vice/principal...
-How much our class (L) the Toliet when lesson are going on..
-How much we like to compare Pei Si with Ms Wong's height, though Ms Wong never won; she even lost to En En? LOLS
-How Esheen would count the number of times Mr Ng swept his sweat on his face
-How the Relay System would never ever work on our class, NOT EVEN ONCE.
-How Mr Lee would make our class pass our 2.4km when it's not possible, for some.
-United we stand, not to wear traditional costumes during Racial Harmony Day and can still proudly take a class picture with our school uniforms, just like class photo.

-Given the Dirtest Class award more than Cleanest Class award
-When Vanessa, Crystal and I would be mistaken Mdm LOH with Mdm LOtI, it just looks like Mdm Loti to us. Heh. And we would just greet her as Mdm Loti.

-Receiving birthday cards from Mr Lee and Mdm Amuda...
-How much Pei SI and I would complain that Ms Wong took our white board markers away and either Gladys or Me have to get new markers from the General Office..

I guess i'll just stop here, too many to mention already. 1-6 will always remain as 1-6, even though 2 person have left our class and 1 new student joined, we could feel the Great Difference, here's the fond memories of 1-6'09 and it'll will be MISSED MUCHLY! :)

Friday, January 8, 2010


Today had loads and loads of stuff to do lah, i'm exhausted alr. Kok gave the class com things to do and to be done in a few hours.. Better still, Crystal left her whole fileat home with everything inside. The time-table today also quite packed. Chinese, Mathematics, Recess, Music, PE, Biology. I did my homework durng chinese lesson. Teacher like blind de... I can still arrange the consent forms. And finish my Math homework and at the same time 'pay attention'. WTH lah, Chinese cher still giving us 听写 this year. Cause of my awesome results last year to be in that class D: 王老师 is going to further her studies for the whole of this year. I guess everyone will miss her lahh :(((((((((((((((((((((( Mathematics was quite enjoyable? Gan explained it well, everyone could understand her explainations... She was quitefunny also, but serious at the same time. During recess, we went to the cafe; i only drank milo. Vanessa did the 陈威廉* action, damn funny. Jolene and Yi Yue said Me, Crystal and Pei Si have gone crazieee, cause we kept laughing non-stop, like laughing gas like that, hah.After that went for music in the IT Lab, apple com! (: But we didn't use the computers, teacher jst told us rules and stuff. But for the rest of Term 1 and 2, we'll be using this lab for music. And also for IT Lesson; hopefully. Had PE after that, 2-6 was late for like 10 mins.Lee Wei Te said he missed teaching our class, Crystal and i were like LOL lah, since when he would miss 1-6'09, are you serious? Then he told us a even better JOKE! ;D He said we'll be learning Folk Dance for Term 1 (!!) Beter still, He'll be the one teaching us the dance Almost the entire class started laughing, like ROFL; LMAO. Then we had Biology after that, some class took our science lab. And we couldn't do a proper experiment; mine was considered PASSED lah, too bad for some other ppl :P. Esheen was so Efficient luh, she brought bread for me! :O Then after peeling sme bread crumbs into the test tube, We added Benedict's Solution into it, like twice the amount of crumbs. Put the test tube into a beaker of boiling water and see the changes from Blue > Green > Yellow > Orange > Orange-red. Like so cool lah, next lesson we should be doing potato one. We were dismissed late today bacause of the experiment; 1:45pm. Met at Track board at 2pm and set up the things for CCA Fair. I'm still deciding whether to change CCA. I was actually successful for Guitar but they put me into Track. Mr Lim will also be sending the C'div for a competition on 120110.

Back to training

7 January 2010
Had to meet a total of 5 chers today, bag so heavy... GAN's lesson wasn't that bad, quite interesting. Cause Yi Yue said to pay a fine as consequences;Gan said to pay $10 for undone homework or others. But i think i'll love math lessons more now... ... (: If only Phua Yong Yong is not Sec 1 level head... She has to help out with the camp and stuff. Hardly have any Biology lessons this week D: I finally got back to training (!!) after like one month I pon-ed actually, training has never stopped.If not our staminas will drop,GAHHHHHHHHH.
Yesterday ran 11km in total with breaks inbetween luh. With the Jurong boys around, I almost died cann. We got tired and splitted up into seniors and junior team. Cause i didn't attend training on Tues, so still quite hyper. Then i joined the senior team, but LAST one. HAH. Then this Jurong boy keep pacing me, like shadower.. When we were at the bustop, he said 100m more. When closer to carpark, he said 150m more, like HUH? Anyway, that was during 5km run. After that, Mr Lim still wanted us to run another 5km. Our faces were as black as charcoal lah, okay; maybe not so dark, But we complain very tired and stuff Esther asked the Jurong boys to slow down. Then they talked to Mr Lim and Mr Lim said "Since it's going to rain, you'll just run 3km". I still Superrrrrrrrrrr restless. And my body is aching everywhere, expected though.. That's for yesterday, i'll blog about today like laterr. ;D

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

3rd day of school

Today's only the third day of school ..But it seems like a week alr. I love my seat lah!! (: We had to sit according to height, so i know i'm not very tall. In the end, i'm sitting with Valerie, Crystal and Vanessa, Cause Pei Si a little 'taller' than us, so must sit first row. Like for the first time, all my bestfriends around me lah. Have so many admin things to do for KOK lorh! TSK. Aren't they supposed to use the school's resourses and not students? I've not completed my Math and English homework from hols.. Today we sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY to GAN and NG during chapel.
Chapel will be held in the concert hall for the whole of this year.
And they also gave everyone a chapel notebook.The school have time to print this notebook, no time to print our diaries! Juliet was feeling cold this morning, i nicely lent her my jacket her temperature was 37.9 so she went home. Better still, she brought home my jacket (!!) Tomorrow she'll not be coming to school.
And i won't have a jacket to wear in the morning! D:
Ohoh, yesterday was another Great day! heh. Our Literature is the 'bald jumping jack' haha. I ebuddy-ed during IT lesson and computer got shut down :P Hias... My Chinese... I was banded into the #4 class for chinese lesson. I'm having depression now.... LOLS; jkjkIt's like for the FIRST TIME (!!) Last year i was in the #1 class, now? Like last lah! ):Nvm.. after school our Clique went into the library.
And what's BEST, GOT CHASED OUT! lalalalalala
Also my first time in my entire life. :/
Pei Si's reaction was too BIG and she happily SCREAMED. I pon-ed training also, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Luckily i didn't go, so tiring. They did 5km, 3km, 3km, speed work until like 6:30pm. Anyway, there's training tomorrow. I'm not pon-ing :D

Monday, January 4, 2010

First day of school

What a nice term to start with...
Ms Gan (Discipline Mistress) Maths Teacher
I don't think she's that fierce?
Many seniors dreamed of having her, but i got it! heh.
Ms Kok (Lvl head) Form Teacher
I think both of them are in th top 5 fiercest teachers in school
I wonder who will be our chinese teacher....
Ms Kok's 45 this year but looks like 30 plus to us instead, still old.
And i broke my leadership record again, here comes the points (:
It's only first day of school, My classmates was late for Kok's period
Better still, they ignored her. She made them stood outside class
Anw, offical school hours is not 2 but 1:25pm, like one period earlier
But our class was only dismissed at 2pm today
Cause need to think of class moto and class outing stuff.
Crystal, Valerie, LiAnn, Esheen and me are part of the class com :D
Now there's so many admin stuff to do (!!)
I thought it should be the teachers job instead? :/
The class reply system to many things to update...
SO SORRY Gladys. The class forgot to vote for you to be class com.
I have the URGE to pon school tomorrow; but i won't.

Class outing, 2-6 has decided to go Sentosa
And class com is supposed to come up with a proposal
Who want to propose to her; jkjk, LOL.

Thanks Celestial for giving me the chocolates
I'm going to be fat soon. GAH!
New girl in our class: Christine Tun from NA to Ex.
she's from England, so-so-so COOL! :D

But i knew her since last year, through Amanda; ahah.
Not fair! ACSI and HCI no school.... .... =.=
Many Secondary 4 students are really stressed out now
quite a lot are offline cause studying already..
Except for LIAW JUN LIN MAX.
Mr Lee told this joke to his class (1-3)
Class, this is the form for you parents.

And you must hand in back to me tomorrow because I am your form teacher.
You see, I have the form in the form teacher.
So the form in the form teacher is link to the Form i'm giving you now
and then he was smiling to himself, as usual.
Everyone in the class was like DIAO....
Crystal and I shouldn't have waved to him today lah
he seems to have gone SENILE.... T.T

Anw, i got a call from this annoumous person today

I called back and this person came asking for some else name
I was like "wrong number? "
Then she said, oh. And slience........
I hung up the phone. LOL, nvm i dont care.

And i'm finally able differenciate the meanings (sort of)
between Anit- social and unsociable
-Unsociable = introverted= reserved and quiet
-Anti-social = the ppl who really keeps things to themselves=
proness for EMO-ing (not exact meaning though...)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Concerts 2010

to whoever's birthday in January
That's not the point i'm here
So many good bands coming to Singapore!
Breakout is not a concert though...

Party On! Singapore! featuring Hoobastank

They were already here in Singapore last night
Venue: D’Marquee, Downtown East

GREEN DAY Live In Singapore

Date: 14 Jan 2010
Time: 8pm (approximately 90 Mins)
Venue: Singapore Indoor Stadium
Tickets: $88, $128(free standing), $148(standard)


Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010
Time: 8pm (approximately 75mins)
Venue: Compass Ballroom, Resorts World Sentosa
Tickets: $98, $78 (Standard)

Backstreet Boys Live In Singapore
Date: 28 February 2010
Time: 8pm (approxiamtely 90mins)
Venue: Suntec Int'l Convention & Exhibition Hall 602 & 603
Tickets: $148, $98, $68 (standard)


Date: 7 Mar 2010
Time: 8pm (approximately 90mins)
Venue: Singapore Indoor Stadium
Tickets: $108, $88, $68 (standard)

Breakout 2010 - Korean Extreme Dance Comedy

Date: 12-14 March 2010
Time: 8pm, 3pm & 8pm, 1pm
Venue: Espanade Theatre

Tickets: $73, $63, $53, $38, $28 (standard)
VIP Box Seat - $73
Box B-G - $73
Restricted View - $28

I want to go for PARAMORE and BLG !!
But i've already bought the tickets for Green Day
If only BLG or PARAMORE notice came out first...
Nvm, able to go for Green Day is alr good enough

Remember Fall Out Boy?
They came Singapore last year (2009)
I should have went lah
Hey Monday and Cobra Starship also came tgt
So i doubt Hey Monday will come again this year :(

Anyway, Malaysia is also quite happening
NE-YO Live in KL
Saosin Live in Malaysia by demand
Kings Of Convience in KL by demand

Singapore also demanding for:
3. Arashi
4. Super Junior
5. SS501

New Year

Why must everyone say HAPPY NEW YEAR
when it's just a start of another year?
It totally doesn't make sense especially
when ppl go for countdowns...
According them them, it's fun!
But how fun can it be?
Isn't it just like you're going to your friend's house
for some birthday party or sleepover,
other than you scream and countdown
Especially for those who go down to cities or anywhere
for countdown, are really stupid
You can do a countdown like everyday, every second,
every minute, every hour, of your life...
By going to those places, you're wasting your time (!!)
And when you go there, you're just squzeeing together
and fighting for oxyen in the air with everyone else
It just doesn't make any sense to me
And why waste your time to send a New Year message?
Like everyone knows it's a New Year, duh.
And when the whole of SG sends an sms
The system will be 'blocked' and you'll send a late sms
Not on the dot, so... no point.
WanQian: i'm online now so must you send me an sms?
Can't you just tell me straight?
Aaron Yeo: You're online, must you also say Happy New Year
to me on Facebook?
Jesmond: One message is enough, I don't need a second one
Max: I got your message and you can say tt i'm having insomnia
Like at least 10 ppl say Happy New Year
The reply i gave was the same to everyone else:
Thanks, same to you.
Actually i don't bother... nvm.

And for those ppl reminding me of the
number of days left for school-ing
I tell you; STOP IT.
I'm not prepared any shit and i don't want to face
Discipline Mistress on Monday, first period
How great isit to have Mathematics
on the first period with tt woman..

And FYI, i think no one wants to be our F.T ....
And also face Cumar whom is also both
our English and Geography
for 4 days a week....
I'm gonna hate the timetable for term 1, screw off lah.
Except for Wednesday and Friday, super slack days
I can hardly sleep in class now
Even the English cher is different
She have super sharp eyes, unlike the previous one
I cover my face with a textbook and took a picture of her
right in her face, she didn't even notice....
Okay, enough of school, argh.

Today's service was not really different
We just saw different ppl preaching, that's all
I've not spoken to Regina yet, not at all (!!)
And Meilia, may God bless your grandmother
She'll be fine soon, don't worry too much.
Just pray and everything will be alright.