
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Life's like a race...

I guess it's now my habit for the 'uncertified' STM (Short Term Memory). And since it's a habit, i hate it! I'm trying to be more independent but schoolwork is killing me! I go to school every morning and needs Freda to explain ALL Math homework to me, hias... I started off with the same pace as everyone in 2-6 but it seems like i'm having difficulties catching up with them. The main point here is that 'I FLUNK MATHEMATICS!' I cannot believe it myself either. The more i try to study, the more my mind thinks about what to do after studying, and everything gets screwed up. So here itis: ShingHei faired 19/20 for Math class test and i failed; lower than 5(serious). Shall not interpret further. English wasn't as bad. Kim Na Hyeun, a Korean! in my English class. This shows how bad my English is. She was fluent in her English and also scored the highest in class: 21/30. I think she can even speak better than me. I only scored 18; GAHHHH. Common Test is starting in like less than one day and i'm still struggling. Training is very slack and i like it! (: Cause it's the auditions, but everything's gonna end like next week and it'll resume to tough ones.... :/