January was a month of hard work
February was a month of celebrations
March was a peaceful month
April was a month of new beginnings
May was a month of OOVOOing
June was a month of falling in love
July was a month of stepping up my stamina
August was a month of juggling
September was a month of insane emotions
October was just like was pushing off my limits
November was slipping off the edge
December was hanging by a thread
Will everything get better in 2014?
Friday, December 27, 2013
358; Love is an open door
If only everyone could see this and understand it.
When she stares at your mouth, Kiss her.
When she pushes you or hits you like a dummy cause she thinks shes stronger than you, Grab her and don't let go.
When she starts cursing at you trying to act all tough, Kiss her and tell her you love her.
When she's quiet, Ask her whats wrong.
When she ignores you, Give her your attention.
When she pulls away, Pull her back.
When you see her at her worst, Tell her she's beautiful.
When you see her start crying, Just hold her and don't say a word.
When you see her walking, Sneak up and hug her waist from behind.
When she's scared, Protect her.
When she steals your favorite hoodie, Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night.
When she teases you, Tease her back and make her laugh.
When she doesn't answer for a long time, reassure her that everything is okay.
When she looks at you with doubt, Back yourself up.
When she says that she loves you, she really does more than you can understand.
When she grabs at your hands, Hold her's and play with her fingers.
When she bumps into you; bump into her back and make her laugh.
When she tells you a secret, keep it safe and untold.
When she looks at you in your eyes, don't look away until she does.
When she says it's over, she still wants you to be hers.
When she reposts this bulletin, she wants you to read it
- Stay on the phone with her even if she's not saying anything
- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go
- When she says she's ok don't believe it, talk with her because 10 yrs later she'll remember you
- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her
- Treat her like she's all that matters to you
- Stay up all night with her when she's sick
- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think it's stupid
- Give her the world.
- Let her wear your clothes
- When she's bored and sad, hang out with her
- Let her know she's important.
- Don't talk about other girls around her
- Kiss her in the pouring rain
- When she runs up to you crying, the first thing you say is: "Whose ass am i kicking baby?"
-Anne Curtis
When she stares at your mouth, Kiss her.
When she pushes you or hits you like a dummy cause she thinks shes stronger than you, Grab her and don't let go.
When she starts cursing at you trying to act all tough, Kiss her and tell her you love her.
When she's quiet, Ask her whats wrong.
When she ignores you, Give her your attention.
When she pulls away, Pull her back.
When you see her at her worst, Tell her she's beautiful.
When you see her start crying, Just hold her and don't say a word.
When you see her walking, Sneak up and hug her waist from behind.
When she's scared, Protect her.
When she steals your favorite hoodie, Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night.
When she teases you, Tease her back and make her laugh.
When she doesn't answer for a long time, reassure her that everything is okay.
When she looks at you with doubt, Back yourself up.
When she says that she loves you, she really does more than you can understand.
When she grabs at your hands, Hold her's and play with her fingers.
When she bumps into you; bump into her back and make her laugh.
When she tells you a secret, keep it safe and untold.
When she looks at you in your eyes, don't look away until she does.
When she says it's over, she still wants you to be hers.
When she reposts this bulletin, she wants you to read it
- Stay on the phone with her even if she's not saying anything
- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go
- When she says she's ok don't believe it, talk with her because 10 yrs later she'll remember you
- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her
- Treat her like she's all that matters to you
- Stay up all night with her when she's sick
- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think it's stupid
- Give her the world.
- Let her wear your clothes
- When she's bored and sad, hang out with her
- Let her know she's important.
- Don't talk about other girls around her
- Kiss her in the pouring rain
- When she runs up to you crying, the first thing you say is: "Whose ass am i kicking baby?"
-Anne Curtis
Sunday, December 8, 2013
356;" I desired with all my heart it if it were next morning and a plane were lifting me off the ground."
I remember annotating Crick Crack Monkey by Merle Hodge in preparation for my O levels Literature paper just last year. It is about a girl who has to leave her original roots(home) and fit into a higher class of society. Throughout her maturity stages and shifting from one household to another, she was alienated, replaced,changed, basically she felt lost and did not belong to anywhere, and at the end of the novel, she expressed how exhausted she was over her life.
I have a boyfriend who tells me he feels that when i'm with him, i'm only physically there. My body is there, but my heart and soul isn't. Just last night, my poly clique told me that my heart and soul isn't with them anymore too.
Then where has my heart and soul wondered to?
I have a boyfriend who tells me he feels that when i'm with him, i'm only physically there. My body is there, but my heart and soul isn't. Just last night, my poly clique told me that my heart and soul isn't with them anymore too.
Then where has my heart and soul wondered to?
Monday, November 25, 2013
355; tired of tears

I'm so sick of myself. so so so sick of putting on a facade of neatness. I either cry or get angry half the time. I'm just so fucking emotional i get sick of myself. The tears just come and go like a free bird yknow. On the other hand, i have been losing weight like nobody's business too. It urgs me to know that my daily expenses havent been improving , it's barely even survivable now. I dont have the capital to purchase new bottoms because the current ones that don't fit me anymore. Then i have to put up my with child-like mum at home, and i have my lovely boyfriend whom i anger him unknowingly half the time, UTs approaching, so much obstacles surfacing in my life i don't even know how to deal with them anymore...
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
354; "He might be a burden, but it'll be worthwhile."
There are just some things that has disappeared and can never be returned can they?
Many a times i so badly want to tweet about my short comings in life and mostly about my relationship problems.Then again, I don't want my boyfriend to think that i'm attention seeking yknow. I know he's my boyfriend, i can say whatever i want to him and obviously get the attention i want from him, but sometimes i just feel like an absolute loser.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
353; Are you happy?
Do you know that sinking feeling when your family does not support the relationship of you and your other half? I merely asked my brother how i should break it to my mum that i have a boyfriend, and he told me he's a "douchebag". Ok like wtf. It's not like i've ever told them anything about Aaron, i dont understand the disagreements about him. :(
Anyway, we're officially together for a month now. I see so much more shit coming, all the crying and what not. Why isit so hard to just be happy with my boyfriend, without any mother-intruding, any arguments... :(
Anyway, we're officially together for a month now. I see so much more shit coming, all the crying and what not. Why isit so hard to just be happy with my boyfriend, without any mother-intruding, any arguments... :(
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
352; RELATIONshit.
All these relationship relationshit is getting on my nerves. So i've been conformed into the world of arguments and happiness in relationships lately. For the past 5 days, i've had arguments with my boy and it's really tiring me out. To make this more drastic, i might have had been having my monthly period.
On Thursday, i couldn't remember exactly why there was a disagreement but Aaron wasn't willing to talk to me. I was down so i started crying for as many reasons i could've thought of.
Friday. My clique planned to have dinner together and i was so looking forward to it, but turns out it was cancelled which made me quite upset. Then Aaron and i had to get dinner ourselves but couldn't settle down to have dinner. So then he decided to call his bestfriend to ask where we should have dinner. Instead of thinking and moving to a dinner place, he had a chat with her. I was probably jealous. But here's the thing, you're out with your girlfriend, we are both hungry, we can't find a place to eat, and instead you decided to strike up a conversation with another girl. I went off and cried again. Sigh.
Sunday. After work, i had to meet up with my mum for dinner. I was released late after work and had to rush to meet her. And on the way, I accidentally pressed my Whatsapp and turned out that i was online. So i turned it off and decided to reply everyone later. Mean while... Aaron saw my last seen and yknow... So right after dinner we headed to NTUC and i had to help my mum carry all the groceries and what not. By the time i got home, it was nearly more than an hour since i talked to Aaron and he probably got unhappy. He had chosen to do whatever i had done to him... not replying my messages. It got over and everything went back to normal.
Monday. Aaron and i were actively chatting online until i had to do my preparations for presentation and did not talk to him. So he was unhappy once again and told me to eat with my friends and that i didnt have to look for him anymore.
It was my bestfriend's birthday. Obviously we would have to celebrate for her. So by the time i got to her house, it was 8pm. Aaron finished training at 830 and asked if we were meeting. I told him we could meet at 9pm and if he had to he could have dinner with the team first then meet me after.
He said "Yeah and then i'll go home with the rest too."
Me: " Then do you want to go back first?"
Him:" Yeah i go home first then. And i'll see you during trainings."
Me: " Sorry la!! Tomorrow k!!"
Him: " No. If today i dont meet you, tmr onwards i wont meet you too."
So i had to leave Crystal's place after an hour and meet the boy. I feel so bad for having to leave my besties for my boyfriend, but i know they are understanding and i wouldn't want to screw up a relationship.
Today (Tuesday). I told Aaron about my classmate Serene, who told me she found Aaron "tall, dark, handsome and is my type." so he kept asking about her, on purpose. Hours later, Aaron wouldn't stop asking me to find other guys (Ming Ming, Crystal's brother. Just because i had to text him the previous day about Crystal's birthday surprise). Yknow it can be pretty frustrating... In fact it was VERY FRUSTRATING.
On the train back home, we had some nonsensical talk which i took too seriously and somehow he said "are you going to ignore me?" I SWEAR I DIDN'T HEAR HIM and i went to sleep. He took it as i was ignoring him and did the same. He ignored me and instead of our usual 'walk home together' thing, he walked in front and i couldn't catch up with my awkward heels. Then he left.
On Thursday, i couldn't remember exactly why there was a disagreement but Aaron wasn't willing to talk to me. I was down so i started crying for as many reasons i could've thought of.
Friday. My clique planned to have dinner together and i was so looking forward to it, but turns out it was cancelled which made me quite upset. Then Aaron and i had to get dinner ourselves but couldn't settle down to have dinner. So then he decided to call his bestfriend to ask where we should have dinner. Instead of thinking and moving to a dinner place, he had a chat with her. I was probably jealous. But here's the thing, you're out with your girlfriend, we are both hungry, we can't find a place to eat, and instead you decided to strike up a conversation with another girl. I went off and cried again. Sigh.
Sunday. After work, i had to meet up with my mum for dinner. I was released late after work and had to rush to meet her. And on the way, I accidentally pressed my Whatsapp and turned out that i was online. So i turned it off and decided to reply everyone later. Mean while... Aaron saw my last seen and yknow... So right after dinner we headed to NTUC and i had to help my mum carry all the groceries and what not. By the time i got home, it was nearly more than an hour since i talked to Aaron and he probably got unhappy. He had chosen to do whatever i had done to him... not replying my messages. It got over and everything went back to normal.
Monday. Aaron and i were actively chatting online until i had to do my preparations for presentation and did not talk to him. So he was unhappy once again and told me to eat with my friends and that i didnt have to look for him anymore.
It was my bestfriend's birthday. Obviously we would have to celebrate for her. So by the time i got to her house, it was 8pm. Aaron finished training at 830 and asked if we were meeting. I told him we could meet at 9pm and if he had to he could have dinner with the team first then meet me after.
He said "Yeah and then i'll go home with the rest too."
Me: " Then do you want to go back first?"
Him:" Yeah i go home first then. And i'll see you during trainings."
Me: " Sorry la!! Tomorrow k!!"
Him: " No. If today i dont meet you, tmr onwards i wont meet you too."
So i had to leave Crystal's place after an hour and meet the boy. I feel so bad for having to leave my besties for my boyfriend, but i know they are understanding and i wouldn't want to screw up a relationship.
Today (Tuesday). I told Aaron about my classmate Serene, who told me she found Aaron "tall, dark, handsome and is my type." so he kept asking about her, on purpose. Hours later, Aaron wouldn't stop asking me to find other guys (Ming Ming, Crystal's brother. Just because i had to text him the previous day about Crystal's birthday surprise). Yknow it can be pretty frustrating... In fact it was VERY FRUSTRATING.
On the train back home, we had some nonsensical talk which i took too seriously and somehow he said "are you going to ignore me?" I SWEAR I DIDN'T HEAR HIM and i went to sleep. He took it as i was ignoring him and did the same. He ignored me and instead of our usual 'walk home together' thing, he walked in front and i couldn't catch up with my awkward heels. Then he left.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
351; This too shall pass.

Had an argument with Aaron just a few hours ago. Sometimes i just think he's immature or taking it too far. or maybe i was just fucking over sensitive over trivial matters. I need to stop walking away all the damn time, or else he'd might just be the one that gives up on all of me and walks away eventually. ):

On a side note, we're an official couple now. YAY YAY YAY. :D I love this idiot. Can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him wheeeeeeee~~
Thursday, September 5, 2013
350; Getaway.
I just need a getaway, to be on a hiatus, away from everything else. Sometimes you can just be so sick and tired of life, you don't even know what to look forward to anymore.
School's been great for me. I love my class, but most importantly the clique consisting of 14 weirdos (Robiaatul, Peiyi, Yanting, Gerald, Lucus, Jiaxin, Matthew, Katrina, Glenn, Carissa, Marie, Sok, John) which I love as well. You know when you're feeling so upset about anything, these are the people who cheers you up, who gives you advises that are idiot proof and probably wouldn't work out, but yknow they tried. Sadly a semester is over now.
Then there's Aaron who miraculously appeared in my life. Wanted to know how it started? Yeah, it was him taking notes from me for an upcoming exam during camp, simple as that. I think it's pretty dumb though haha. Never knew he'd make such an impact on me. I don't know if liking him is a mistake, but i doubt it, well unless-- What should you do if your over-protective mum makes you choose over a boy that drives you head over heels and family? I know, FAMILY of course. BUT. What if choosing your family means you have to let go of everything you ever had with the boy you had fond memories with? I'm sure i'm not just in love with the memories, i loved every bit spent with him.
I don't know what to feel now.
School's been great for me. I love my class, but most importantly the clique consisting of 14 weirdos (Robiaatul, Peiyi, Yanting, Gerald, Lucus, Jiaxin, Matthew, Katrina, Glenn, Carissa, Marie, Sok, John) which I love as well. You know when you're feeling so upset about anything, these are the people who cheers you up, who gives you advises that are idiot proof and probably wouldn't work out, but yknow they tried. Sadly a semester is over now.
Then there's Aaron who miraculously appeared in my life. Wanted to know how it started? Yeah, it was him taking notes from me for an upcoming exam during camp, simple as that. I think it's pretty dumb though haha. Never knew he'd make such an impact on me. I don't know if liking him is a mistake, but i doubt it, well unless-- What should you do if your over-protective mum makes you choose over a boy that drives you head over heels and family? I know, FAMILY of course. BUT. What if choosing your family means you have to let go of everything you ever had with the boy you had fond memories with? I'm sure i'm not just in love with the memories, i loved every bit spent with him.
I don't know what to feel now.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Saturday, July 13, 2013
348; Team RP Track and Field
Just one month back, i joined RP Track and Field team and met people i never knew would be so dear to me today. I merely attended ONE camp, and TA-DA-AHH, everyone in the team became like my family.
12-14 June: Training Camp

21 June: GLITZ Sports Awards Ceremony 2013.
10 July: Pastamania for dinner after training...
11 July: Thursday after school @ IKEA to celebrate Marconi's early birthday!! (:
Thursday, May 30, 2013
347; Calarice.
Feeling so happy for Calarice's(Alarice + Calvin) marriage. Alarice is someone whom i really look up to and gives me the urge to be like her, to pursuit more of God's goodness. In time to come, the right guy will appear in front of me, the right guy that God has choosen for my happiness, just like how he has picked for Alarice.
"Wow, i think i want to buy that vow."
Me too.
Me too.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
346; Baby i've just ran out of band aids, I don't even know where to start.
Lately I’ve been consumed into the life of a Polytechnic student. I make new friends, we go a little more crazy than my friends and I would in Secondary school, we make a fool of ourselves, we laugh, we stay out late, but here’s the catch; my friends love making fun of me.
1. Curfew
Because I came home later than my curfew(11pm) few days back(11.30pm), and did not inform my mum about my whereabouts, my curfew now has been changed to 9pm. So my mum said that I’ve been coming home later than her coming home after work and that’s unacceptable. It’s only recently that I come home late… I’VE BEEN COMING HOME TO AN EMPTY HOUSE FOR YEARS, MUM. And I was accused for going out till late hours and not coming home immediately after school. IT’S NOT LIKE MY FRIENDS AND I GO OUT OF SCHOOL AT ALL. MAJORITY OF THE TIME, WE STAY IN CLASS TO COMPLETE OUR ASSIGNMENTS AND GO TO THE SCHOOL’S CAFÉ TO CHILL. THAT’S ALL. DOES THAT MAKE ME A REBEL? DOES THAT MAKE MY CLASSMATES A BAD COMPANY? DID I CHANGE FOR THE WORSE? Someone please enlighten me. I really do not see anything bad about my classmates nor chilling in school. It’s not like when I come home at 6pm there will be anyone anyway…
And that’s not enough. All day long in school, my friends just kept going about curfews, and whether a curfew can be eaten or not. I know they just take it as a joke, but to me, AS IF HAVING A CURFEW ISN’T PATHETIC ENOUGH, MUST YOU ADD ON TO IT?!
2. Small eyes
Yes, by now, everyone knows that I’ve got small eyes. And the guys in my class wouldn’t stop teasing me about it. It’s genes, and not like I’ve got control over the size of my eyes anyway… They even said that I do not require a palm to cover my eyes, just a pinky will do. So I thought that I can start afresh in tertiary education, but it kinda went overboard.
3. Purity
So then most of my classmates are legal(18 years& above) or came from Mixed Schools, while i'm here, stuck in my ALL GIRLS SCHOOL pitiful self. I guess it's normal for couples to be formed... I mean, in just 1 month, BAM!, 2 couples in my class... Whenever my classmates talk about sex or those NC16 topics, yes i know i'm already 17, i still feel like i'm stapled to my 15 year old self. Either that or maybe because of the people i mixed with then. We certainly do not go round the classroom talking about sex and what not... Our definition of extreme was Throwing Sanitary Pads in class... now yknow what i mean by purity.
Well, i just have to accept the fact that i'm out of an All girls school, and now i'm studying with BOYS--- though my classmates may be 18,19,20, they behave like they're 16... or worse. Nevertheless, it has its perks of having boys around, especially those in my class, they lighten the mood every lesson. (:
Back to the point, i think i really have to pick up my pace of catching up with everyone else. So many sexual terms they use, and i get confused with every new word they say. Then i wonder if it's good to be innocent sometimes... ...
Sunday, May 19, 2013
345; I love rain, i love you.
Lately i've been hooked on to Love Rain(finally) after dragging through the first 4 really boring episodes. Throughout this drama, a question really got me going... "What if one day, you had to give up the love of your life for someone else's happiness?" Have you ever give a thought about that? Well you may say i'm too young to talk about love and what not... No, i'm not in love. I'm just wondering, maybe curious. The characters in the show gets me upset and depressed. I like how the characters are perfect and are meant for each other, but not when they can't get together...?! I'm just thinking... because in the near future, I believe someone out there will be meant for me too. We can seem like a flawless couple, but in the midst of our happiness, something will definitely get in our way... Isn't that how life works? To spin human beings like roller coasters going all over the place, to screw us all up. Idk, maybe i watch too much drama that i'm afraid of being in love. sigh.
On the other hand, I have been OOVOOing too much with everyone. I mean comeon, OOVOO is really useful when you have no time to meet up with your friends and is a platform for you to meet them virtually. I'm thankful for webcams. (: Having retarded chatting sessions late into the night with my Bitches, makes me miss every single one of them so very much, and only wanting to cherish this friendship so much more. And then you get a retarded friend which you can OOVOO with during lectures, Samuel Teo. He's really dumb i promise. All i can say is, i'm grateful for my friends.
If you were wondering what happened to my routine at school... I'm still having more fun than ever. I just don't get the point of Curfews yknow... Maybe I'm taking it too far but, at the age of 17, ISN'T IT THE PRIME AGE OF GOING OUT THERE TO EXPLORE AND ENJOYING YOURSELVES?! To the person who introduced the idea of curfews, you suck. You probably didn't have much friends, nor get to experience a teenage-hood. I.hate.curfews.
On the other hand, I have been OOVOOing too much with everyone. I mean comeon, OOVOO is really useful when you have no time to meet up with your friends and is a platform for you to meet them virtually. I'm thankful for webcams. (: Having retarded chatting sessions late into the night with my Bitches, makes me miss every single one of them so very much, and only wanting to cherish this friendship so much more. And then you get a retarded friend which you can OOVOO with during lectures, Samuel Teo. He's really dumb i promise. All i can say is, i'm grateful for my friends.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
344; Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year.
Before Poly started, i told myself i hope that there'll be a guy that i'm gonna fall in love with in class so that he'll be an excuse for my appearance at school everyday. HOWEVER, this class(RP is dumb for not giving us a class name, so we called ourselves PUSSYCATDOLLS) --- Robi, Lucus, Marie, Brenda, Carissa, Gerald, Glenn, Hannah, John, Katrina, Jia Xin, Matthew, Yanting, Renie, Stella, Azura, Junwei, Jiamin, Uzzy, Shafiqah, Peiyi, Yashini, Yasmiine and Zahidah. All these 24 retarded individuals became the reason to my eagerness and yearning to attend lessons for the past week. I go to class with countless laughter and going home satisfied and happy, though exhausted.
However, now there's already a couple in class(WTHECK, SO FAST?!)... Then some of my classmates that have nothing better to do had to pull me in too... I was said to 'look good' with (Lucus), then there was also (Gerald) and (Jiaxin). Like, really? Not that the guys are horrible or anything, they're cute... But why am i being paired up with everyone zzzzzzzz.
We discussed to have similar outfits the whole week...
Monday: Random
Tuesday: Baseball Jackets
Wednesday: Snapbacks
Thursday: White tops
Friday: Formal casual, Black
Monday after school, Rachel and I went to Denise's house for fun :D Wednesday after school, there was CCA Fiesta... I signed up for 10 IGs hahaha, but that's because i can't decide~ Went around signing up with Marie and thereatfter met up with Nick, Howie and Navin for dinner at Pastamania. Thursday after school, trained with Rachel and went back to PL with Gladys, Gracia and Vanessa. Finally, last night(IT'S FRIDAY!!) after school, 3/4 of my class attended FUSE TEA PARTY. We were placed in Team 5, so we came up with this cheer...
"Team 5 oi!! OEI!! Team 5 oi!! OEI!! Team 5 Team 5!! AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FO DAT!!"
We had so much fun playing and dancing together to Father Mother Gentleman. Most of us completed RJ in school then we left for dinner. We then chilled in the nursing room and played "I have never"... Yup, the NURSING room hahaha. Overall, i had a fun filled week and to everyone who made my days happy, Thank you. Thank GOD. ^^
Sunday, April 14, 2013
343; A Walk to Remember
Just watched A Walk to Remember, and i wouldn't disagree any single thing in it. It seemed so perfect, I loved it. The storyline hit me so hard, and i wonder why...
“Jamie: You have to promise you won't fall in love with me. Landon: That's not a problem.”
“Jamie: You know what I figured out today? Landon: What? Jamie: Maybe God has a bigger plan for me than I had for myself. Like this journey never ends. Like you were sent to me because I'm sick. To help me through all this. You're my angel.”
“Do you love me?' I asked her. She smiled. 'Yes.' 'Do you want me to be happy?' as I asked her this I felt my heart beginning to race. 'Of course I do.' 'Will you do something for me then?' She looked away, sadness crossing her features. 'I don't know if I can anymore.' she said. 'but if you could, would you?' I cannot adequately describe the intensity of what I was feeling at that moment. Love, anger, sadness, hope, and fear, whirling together sharpened by the nervousness I was feeling. Jamie looked at me curiously and my breaths became shallower. Suddenly I knew that I'd never felt as strongly for another person as I did at that moment. As I returned her gaze, this simple realization made me wish for the millionth time that I could make all this go away. Had it been possible, I would have traded my life for hers. I wanted to tell her my thoughts, but the sound of her voice suddenly silenced the emotions inside me. 'yes' she finally said, her voice weak yet somehow still full of promise. 'I would.' Finally getting control of myself I kissed her again, then brought my hand to her face, gently running my fingers over her cheek. I marveled at the softness of her skin, the gentleness I saw in her eyes. even now she was perfect. My throat began to tighten again, but as I said, I knew what I had to do. Since I had to accept that it was not within my power to cure her, what I wanted to do was give her something that she'd wanted. It was what my heart had been telling me to do all along. Jamie, I understood then, had already given me the answer I'd been searching for, the answer my heart needed to find. She'd told me outside Mr. Jenkins office, the night we'd asked him about doing the play. I smiled softly, and she returned my affection with a slight squeeze of my hand, as if trusting me in what I was about to do. Encouraged, I leaned closer and took a deep breath. When I exhaled, these were the words that flowed with my breath. 'Will you marry me?”
“landon: im sorry she never got her miracle." hegbert: "she did get her miracle, landon. her miracle was you.”
“Landon: [voiceover] Jamie saved my life. She taught me everything. About life, hope and the long journey ahead. I'll always miss her. But our love is like the wind. I can't see it, but I can feel it.”
― Nicholas Sparks, A Walk to Remember
“Jamie: You have to promise you won't fall in love with me. Landon: That's not a problem.”
“Jamie: You know what I figured out today? Landon: What? Jamie: Maybe God has a bigger plan for me than I had for myself. Like this journey never ends. Like you were sent to me because I'm sick. To help me through all this. You're my angel.”
“Do you love me?' I asked her. She smiled. 'Yes.' 'Do you want me to be happy?' as I asked her this I felt my heart beginning to race. 'Of course I do.' 'Will you do something for me then?' She looked away, sadness crossing her features. 'I don't know if I can anymore.' she said. 'but if you could, would you?' I cannot adequately describe the intensity of what I was feeling at that moment. Love, anger, sadness, hope, and fear, whirling together sharpened by the nervousness I was feeling. Jamie looked at me curiously and my breaths became shallower. Suddenly I knew that I'd never felt as strongly for another person as I did at that moment. As I returned her gaze, this simple realization made me wish for the millionth time that I could make all this go away. Had it been possible, I would have traded my life for hers. I wanted to tell her my thoughts, but the sound of her voice suddenly silenced the emotions inside me. 'yes' she finally said, her voice weak yet somehow still full of promise. 'I would.' Finally getting control of myself I kissed her again, then brought my hand to her face, gently running my fingers over her cheek. I marveled at the softness of her skin, the gentleness I saw in her eyes. even now she was perfect. My throat began to tighten again, but as I said, I knew what I had to do. Since I had to accept that it was not within my power to cure her, what I wanted to do was give her something that she'd wanted. It was what my heart had been telling me to do all along. Jamie, I understood then, had already given me the answer I'd been searching for, the answer my heart needed to find. She'd told me outside Mr. Jenkins office, the night we'd asked him about doing the play. I smiled softly, and she returned my affection with a slight squeeze of my hand, as if trusting me in what I was about to do. Encouraged, I leaned closer and took a deep breath. When I exhaled, these were the words that flowed with my breath. 'Will you marry me?”
“landon: im sorry she never got her miracle." hegbert: "she did get her miracle, landon. her miracle was you.”
“Landon: [voiceover] Jamie saved my life. She taught me everything. About life, hope and the long journey ahead. I'll always miss her. But our love is like the wind. I can't see it, but I can feel it.”
― Nicholas Sparks, A Walk to Remember
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Judging by the title, you should be able to tell by now that I attended a Freshmen Camp!! Yes, I signed up for RP's SOH FOC!!(Republic Polytechnic School Of Hospitality Freshmen Orientation Camp). RP is known to use shortforms all over the place... If you're getting mixed up with all sorts of Orientation camps, this camp I went for is called PRE-Orientation Camp in short.
I was placed in Group 9!! Which after became "牛奶(nine)" Geddit?!!! 1 Guy(Nigel) and 17 Girls in my OG, sad isn't it. Plus, Nigel is already attached, so it's as good as having 18 girls in my group right? Hahaha. According to statistics, SOH consists of 90% girls... which in my opinion, is the partnering school with SEG. The School of Engineering however consists of probably only 10% of girls (a category of which my cousin falls into... haha.) Everyone in my group were really nice, BUT. QUIET. >:( Plus points to our unity though!! (:
Anyway we derived "牛奶(nine)" from a cheer we learnt.
OO OO AHHHHHH *sexy pose*
WE will win the war, WE will win the war, WE will win the war, ONE MORE TIME!
Obviously there were more cheers, but i can't remember the exact words to them so... :P
Orientation ended at 6, so my OG took a few pictures together then I left to meet DFG (Nicholas, Mark, Caleb, Grace, Sabrina, Yanen, Claudi, Jiaeenn, Melissa, Delia, Mingxuan, Genesa, Samuel) at Nex~ We talked so much crap while having dinner and rushing to complete Walter's birthday gift--- A book of #WHATWALTERSAID. Left Mos Burger at 8pm and waited at Walter's void deck, while Mark Sab and Mingxuan went upstairs to "kidnap" him. When Walter was blindfolded out of the lift, someone remove the blindfold and everyone started throwing a plate of Whippedcream on his face, EPICCCC.
Many of them left at 10pm, while Melissa, Caleb, Mingxuan, Samuel, Walter, Jiaeenn, Yanen and I stayed on to talk nonsense. In fact, it was Walter who was so full of Nonsense. And ofc I couldn't stop laughing because everything he said was tooooo retarded.
Well at least I had fun these 2 days, from FOP to Walt's Birthday Surprise. :D I'm gonna take 2 full breaks tomorrow and the day after to COMPLETE SLACK and WASTE my days away, because RP Orientation begins this Friday, Monday, Tuesday, followed by official lessons on Wednesday. I can't wait for Orientation because i can meet my fellow SOH Friends once again, as well as making more new friendsssss!! ^^
I was placed in Group 9!! Which after became "牛奶(nine)" Geddit?!!! 1 Guy(Nigel) and 17 Girls in my OG, sad isn't it. Plus, Nigel is already attached, so it's as good as having 18 girls in my group right? Hahaha. According to statistics, SOH consists of 90% girls... which in my opinion, is the partnering school with SEG. The School of Engineering however consists of probably only 10% of girls (a category of which my cousin falls into... haha.) Everyone in my group were really nice, BUT. QUIET. >:( Plus points to our unity though!! (:
Anyway we derived "牛奶(nine)" from a cheer we learnt.
挤牛奶 挤牛奶, 喝牛奶 喝牛奶, 很多奶 很多奶,
TEAM~ 9!! *bimbotic pose*
TEAM~ 9!! *bimbotic pose*
So that was one basic cheer my group had to memorise, and then we had 10 over other School Cheers to learn too! In fact, the cheers were really catchy and fun!! ^^
OO OO AHHHHHH *sexy pose*
WE will win the war, WE will win the war, WE will win the war, ONE MORE TIME!
Obviously there were more cheers, but i can't remember the exact words to them so... :P
Orientation ended at 6, so my OG took a few pictures together then I left to meet DFG (Nicholas, Mark, Caleb, Grace, Sabrina, Yanen, Claudi, Jiaeenn, Melissa, Delia, Mingxuan, Genesa, Samuel) at Nex~ We talked so much crap while having dinner and rushing to complete Walter's birthday gift--- A book of #WHATWALTERSAID. Left Mos Burger at 8pm and waited at Walter's void deck, while Mark Sab and Mingxuan went upstairs to "kidnap" him. When Walter was blindfolded out of the lift, someone remove the blindfold and everyone started throwing a plate of Whippedcream on his face, EPICCCC.
Many of them left at 10pm, while Melissa, Caleb, Mingxuan, Samuel, Walter, Jiaeenn, Yanen and I stayed on to talk nonsense. In fact, it was Walter who was so full of Nonsense. And ofc I couldn't stop laughing because everything he said was tooooo retarded.
Well at least I had fun these 2 days, from FOP to Walt's Birthday Surprise. :D I'm gonna take 2 full breaks tomorrow and the day after to COMPLETE SLACK and WASTE my days away, because RP Orientation begins this Friday, Monday, Tuesday, followed by official lessons on Wednesday. I can't wait for Orientation because i can meet my fellow SOH Friends once again, as well as making more new friendsssss!! ^^
Saturday, April 6, 2013
341; Fun Fun Fun Fun, Lookin' forward to the weekend.
Mummy took free zoo passes from her company and brought my clique along today wheeeeee!! :D Went to the Singapore Zoological Gardens with Crystal, Vanessa, Valerie, Gladys, Gracia & Jolene.
Overall, i had a great day laughing and bonding with my bitches. How i wish there's a time machine to bring us all back together as classmates in 2009... Nevertheless, I really hope God can reduce some stress from my friends in JC, and as the Polytechnic students begin their next chapter in life, we will not forget this friendship we've forged.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
340; Our God is greater, our God is stronger
A peaceful month ago, Nat(in short as we call him), from COGS, had a chat with me, asking me about my school related course. So he asked if i was keen to get into the School of Hospitality. I WAS. I ALWAYS AM. He then mentioned he would try to help me get into a course in SOH, however, i would still have to appeal. Then I thought, why not give it a try, and i did. Later did i realise he was a senior from SOH hahaha!! (:
After waiting painstakingly for one whole month, I finally received an email inviting me to go for an interview and writing test for SOH. I was late for the writing test, but thank God i managed to finish my essay "I want to get in the School of Hospitality because... ..." within the time frame. Or was it because my mum already prepared me with a similar question the night before? ;)
Interviewer: "If you are not given the course of your choice, but a course in the SOH, would you accept?"
Me: "Yes. Afterall, the basics we are gonna learn are similar."
Interviewer: "Smart girl"
The interview went well i guess. But i wasn't as confident as I was before the interview than after. It was pretty cool though, the 11 of us selected for this interview went through a round of Panel interview.
Waiting for 10 days felt like a year, especially when you're expecting results. So today, I woke up to this... ...
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Don't you just hate it when you have nothing on and get really bored, and when your friend is free, all other group of friends happen to be available too? Well I literally resent it.
I supposedly have Clique lunch & shopping/ Dead Fishes to Sentosa; Mark's place for sleepover/ Dinner with 1/4 Jengaman Crew/ Dance practice in Church today.
Initially, my uncertified stm has caused me to forgot my clique had a date today... On the other hand, Dead Fishes(another group of really close siblings in Christ) organised an outing to Sentosa then a sleepover. I actually wanted to postpone my clique's date just to go ahead with Dead Fishes, but if i were to postpone it, it won't be easy to find another date where almost everyone is available. I really dreaded not being able to get a Tan. ):
Eventually I went ahead for Korean BBQ lunch(free meal thanks to Karin's parents) ---> Shopping in Town ---> Dance in church and completely skipped the entire outing with Dead Fishes.(yes, ofc i'm sad)
It was a relatively crazy and fun day spent with Crystal, Vanessa and Karin. with our mentally remembered sisters; Gladys and Gracia who are currently in Korea, most probably having more fun than us... :/ We had so much laughter and simple joy/ jokes simply cheer us up. I really miss those classroom moments where we just talk lots of crap and couldn't stop laughing. God, I thank you for these people in my life. (':
Dance was quite a killer considering I haven't done a good, proper stretching in months. I can't be sure if I still want to go for dance lessons in future because my instructor says she focuses on Contemporary moves and I like Hip Hop, so nah... ... :/
I supposedly have Clique lunch & shopping/ Dead Fishes to Sentosa; Mark's place for sleepover/ Dinner with 1/4 Jengaman Crew/ Dance practice in Church today.
Initially, my uncertified stm has caused me to forgot my clique had a date today... On the other hand, Dead Fishes(another group of really close siblings in Christ) organised an outing to Sentosa then a sleepover. I actually wanted to postpone my clique's date just to go ahead with Dead Fishes, but if i were to postpone it, it won't be easy to find another date where almost everyone is available. I really dreaded not being able to get a Tan. ):
Eventually I went ahead for Korean BBQ lunch(free meal thanks to Karin's parents) ---> Shopping in Town ---> Dance in church and completely skipped the entire outing with Dead Fishes.(yes, ofc i'm sad)
It was a relatively crazy and fun day spent with Crystal, Vanessa and Karin. with our mentally remembered sisters; Gladys and Gracia who are currently in Korea, most probably having more fun than us... :/ We had so much laughter and simple joy/ jokes simply cheer us up. I really miss those classroom moments where we just talk lots of crap and couldn't stop laughing. God, I thank you for these people in my life. (':
Dance was quite a killer considering I haven't done a good, proper stretching in months. I can't be sure if I still want to go for dance lessons in future because my instructor says she focuses on Contemporary moves and I like Hip Hop, so nah... ... :/
Sunday, March 3, 2013
338; Somewhere in Neverland.
So I stood next to Max (Fellow Crosser ^^) during worship because the rest of the ministry were late! I really loved the songs sang during Worship. "Jesus be the center" and -it's a shame I couldn't remember this song ):- I recall dedicating JBTC upon my life and basically leaving it all to God at the beginning of This year. So yeap, I believe it's an reassurance from my Father and I have completely no doubts about it. :D
I was totally at ease after Worship and seeing more recognisable faces spilling into the room. I was placed into LIZARDS(Ew Maximum), which after was modified into CHARlizards, together with Shaunald, Joanne, Nathanael, Aaron, Luke, Janice, Alvin and the list goes on... or rather I forgot their names, I apologise. Joanne is Jasmine's sister, I never knew! Nevertheless, they're both really cute!! ^^ Well, this group was really fun to be with. (:
Throughout the day, I was pretty popular with QUESTIONS SPAMMED:
1. WOah, is that Celeste?
2. Who invited you?
3. So which church do you attend now?
5. Are you still using Blogger?
Ok so I practically repeated the same answers over and over again. I don't blame anyone for asking me, I mean, we haven't seen each other for sooooOOooOOOooOoo long and they're just... curious, plus it's probably time to catch up right? haha. Right after dinner, Aaron, Luke, Saul and Max went upstairs to Jam while Vanessa, Ben and I sat around the table to chat~ Then Ben had to go for a meeting so Vanessa and I went to check out how the Jamming session was. Aaron kept asking me to get my hands on the guitar. It's not that I didn't want to, BUT I haven't laid my hands on those strings for almost a year and I suck at it ):
At about 9pm, Eunice, Clara, Aaron, Luke, Saul, Vanessa, Max, Amos and I went to Pies and Coffee to chill because Starbucks was full house. We participated in 4pics1word and played Indian Poker- A character name in Hollywood, A character from Pokemon in the 1st & 2nd Generation, A name from the Bible in the Old testament. I would admit, I SUCK hahaha. We only left at 11.30pm and it was really nice of Ben to give me a lift home ((((: Overall, it was a fruitful and fun day bonding and enjoying the fellowship with my friends I haven't come in contact for awhile. Thank you God. :D
Probably about a year ago, I remember blogging about how much I prefer hanging out with my churchmates from AMK than the ones from COGS and that I didn't like how COGS was so serious about everything... I probably wasn't even thinking at all!! :/ So then Ben asked me: "How do you think the ministry has changed?" This question really left me thinking out of the box and just sitting here asking myself, what changed? Well... Shaunald had become more retarded and Opened up, which is definitely a good point. (: And compared to my immature self few years back, I understand now. I'd actually preferred the Spirit they had for Christ in COGS. Their Faith was Stronger and I liked that.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
337; Don't you worry child, see Heaven's got a plan for you.
December and January had been pretty exciting and so to sum up here is how it went...
Daddy picked me up after work at 8pm, went home to change out and headed to Caleb's. (: When I got there, everyone were either playing cards or watching television. After an hour or so, majority of them went into Caleb's room to jam, while Caleb, Ruth, Walter and I went out to the balcony to sit on the 4-seater swing and just chat. Minutes later, the swing got picked up wind and went up higher and faster, leaving the timid me to jump off the swing hahaha. And whatever the 3 of them were talking about, didn't want to share with me, unless i got on the swing again.
Slowly, people started making their way out into the living room while all of us took turns to bathe. Played Monopoly deal and slacked all the way into midnight. At 3.30AM, everyone got really hungry so we made a couple of phone calls to Macs to order 100 nuggets but they denied us! Therefore... Caleb said there was Prata NEAR his house and it's walking distance. We ended up walking half an hour before reaching Jalan Kayu. Along the way and back, there were many Ghost stories shared and half the time I was strolling alone in the middle with really vast gaps between 2 groups of people; because I couldn't walk that fast, neither did i want to listen to the ghost stories~
22nd December 2012:
Uncle's Wedding
5-8 December 2012: Re!Camp 2012
I could remember only being at the campsite 1/4 of the entire camp because I had to work in the mornings and only being able to join my group at 9pm, when i knock off. Was placed into Group 2: Re-Gen(eration)!! with Hong Ai, Fion, Brenda, Hui Zhen, Fanny, Min Yi, Xu Dong, Max, Si Hao, Eugene, Jing Wen and Yi Hui.
13-16 December 2012: TMC Victory Camp 2012
So this is probably my 3rd camp with TMC thus far, and I never once regretted being part of TMC. (: And this time round, I was admitted into Ephraim(tribe) and Solomon(clan) which consisted of Gad, Mannaseh and Ephraim, together with Minqhee, Caleb, Zhiwang, Clarence, Esheen, Sabrina, Grace, Gabriel, Josiah, Rebecca, Yueyun and Blossom as our game master! :D Indeed, it was another group to cherish and remember because everyone is simply retarded, in a good way of course. ;)
One thing that i would remember vividly would be the 'Girls ONLY' session with Alarice. I was really inspired by her through the testimonies and songs she shared with us. Eventhough I thought the session could be extended, but by the end of 1.5hours, I was definitely encouraged to step up my faith and to be a woman full of Hunger for Jesus!! Alarice is totally talented and someone who is completely in love with Jesus, who pulls people closer to the Lord, and I know I want to learn to be like her, and better. (:
Throughout those 4 days, we had Pastor Andrew Yeo and Pastor Daniel Chua from The City Church, Pastor Neli Atiga from ENCentral and Alarice to preach to us, as well as sharing their Musical talents. :D On the other hand, all the games were EpicZERENZ. TMC never fails to amaze me with their super creative games!! Then again, the Finale night is the best, it always is.
21st December 2012: Dead fishes had a sleepover at Caleb and Ruth's!!! :D
Throughout those 4 days, we had Pastor Andrew Yeo and Pastor Daniel Chua from The City Church, Pastor Neli Atiga from ENCentral and Alarice to preach to us, as well as sharing their Musical talents. :D On the other hand, all the games were EpicZERENZ. TMC never fails to amaze me with their super creative games!! Then again, the Finale night is the best, it always is.
21st December 2012: Dead fishes had a sleepover at Caleb and Ruth's!!! :D
Together with Yanen, Claudi, Mark, Adrienne, Samuel, Ezekiel, Walter, Delia, Melissa and Mingxuan.
Daddy picked me up after work at 8pm, went home to change out and headed to Caleb's. (: When I got there, everyone were either playing cards or watching television. After an hour or so, majority of them went into Caleb's room to jam, while Caleb, Ruth, Walter and I went out to the balcony to sit on the 4-seater swing and just chat. Minutes later, the swing got picked up wind and went up higher and faster, leaving the timid me to jump off the swing hahaha. And whatever the 3 of them were talking about, didn't want to share with me, unless i got on the swing again.
It was already almost 5am when we got back to Caleb's place. Then everyone got tired and decided to sleep... It was kinda epic because there were so many people squeezing to sleep in the living room hahaha.
Together with Dead Fishes and the rest of TMC youths, we headed down to Esplanade to give our support to Pastor Neli Atiga, while he and his band performs for the crowd. I really like the way his band change music and make them absolutely unique and soothing to the ear. (:
26 December 2012- 2 January 2013: Taiwan Trip!! ^^
3rd January 2013: Singapore Zoological Gardens with Dead Fishes ((:
8 January 2013: Ice Skating with Clique~ ;D
10 January 2013: Official release of O level results
I probably cried a river. And like what Hernshung said before, "the amount of tears on O Level results day can end the drought in Africa if someone did collect it all. " I really would have been able to save so many parched people ):
15 January 2013: Clique gathering at Chalet 24.
So I had another Off day that day, Crystal, Vanessa, Gladys, Gracia and I decided to just Lepak at Gladys' house. We went to NTUC first to get ingredients and then headed back to fulfill our cravings. Gladys began baking Strawberry shortcake while Vanessa, Crystal and I watched the Christmas episode of Running Man which made us laugh our lungs out. After the shortcake was ready, we gathered in the hall and watched Mirror Mirror. Honestly, it would have been a Perfect movie if it weren't for its random bollywood ending. After the movie, Gladys cooked us BiBimBap for dinner. :D We had a great laughing session over Vanessa and her obession over Gdragon. Then I made Ice cream with Crushed digestive biscuits for our dessert, while we watched Parental Guidance into the night. (:
22 January 2013: Clique outing
-Movie: The Impossible because we were not in the mood to watch Gangster Squad
-They followed me around while I did my New Year shopping.
Supposed to meet up at 7pm for dinner at Soup Restaurant to have a Birthday dinner with Gladys, but who would've ever thought that dip dyeing my hair would take 6 hours?! Not that i'd thought of... So i dyed my hair... ... ... PINK. :D It turned out cooler than I had expected haha.
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