
Thursday, March 21, 2013


Don't you just hate it when you have nothing on and get really bored, and when your friend is free, all other group of friends happen to be available too? Well I literally resent it.

I supposedly have Clique lunch & shopping/ Dead Fishes to Sentosa; Mark's place for sleepover/ Dinner with 1/4 Jengaman Crew/ Dance practice in Church today.

Initially, my uncertified stm has caused me to forgot my clique had a date today... On the other hand, Dead Fishes(another group of really close siblings in Christ) organised an outing to Sentosa then a sleepover. I actually wanted to postpone my clique's date just to go ahead with Dead Fishes, but if i were to postpone it, it won't be easy to find another date where almost everyone is available. I really dreaded not being able to get a Tan. ):

Eventually I went ahead for Korean BBQ lunch(free meal thanks to Karin's parents) ---> Shopping in Town ---> Dance in church and completely skipped the entire outing with Dead Fishes.(yes, ofc i'm sad)


It was a relatively crazy and fun day spent with Crystal, Vanessa and Karin. with our mentally remembered sisters; Gladys and Gracia who are currently in Korea, most probably having more fun than us... :/ We had so much laughter and simple joy/ jokes simply cheer us up. I really miss those classroom moments where we just talk lots of crap and couldn't stop laughing. God, I thank you for these people in my life. (':

Dance was quite a killer considering I haven't done a good, proper stretching in months. I can't be sure if I still want to go for dance lessons in future because my instructor says she focuses on Contemporary moves and I like Hip Hop, so nah... ... :/