
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tagged Quiz

Got this Quiz from WeiXuan's blog
Name : Celeste Neo
Nickname : Too many to mention
Star sign : Pisces
Male or Female : Female.
Primary School : PLMGS(P)
Secondary School : PLMGSS
JC/Polytechnic : -
Hair colour : Brown-black.
Long/Short : Long & Short
Loud/Quiet : Loud, sort of.
Sweats/Jeans : Jeans.
Phone/Camera : Both
Health freak : -
Drink/Smoke : -
Do you have a crush on someone : YES! A lot! xD
Eat/Drink : Eat
Piercings : Ears
Tattoos : I draw them myself :x
Been on an airplane : Duh, who hasn't.
Been in a relationship : Hell no, my mum's gonna kill me.
Been in a car accident : Nah.
Been in a fight : Sort of.
First piercings: Ear
First best friends : Stephanie Neo
1st awards : can't remember
First crush : The malay boy
First vacation : Australia, i guess
Last person you talked to : Wei Xuan
Last person you texted : GMy Aunt
Last person(s) you watched movie with : My mom and her friend
Last food you ate : Rice
Last movie you watched : Mulan
Last song you listened to : Gotta Find You by Joe Jonas :D
Last person you hugged : Not anyone, but STITCH softoy!
Fav food : Kinder Brueno*
Fav drinks : F&N Cherry~
Fav clothings : Vests
Fav books : Books by Dave Pelzer
Fav songs : Many
Fav phrase : LOL!
Fav flowers : -
Fav colours : Orange, purple, babyblue, babypink
Fav movies : ALL korean movies. xD
Fav subject : Art
Kissed in the snow : -
Celebrated halloween : Nah.
Had your heartbroken : Not So.
Went over a minute in your cellphone : Too many times...
Someone question your sexually oritentation : Whatwhat?
Come out of the closet : If i played H&S
Gotten pregnant : Next Life
Had an abortion : -
Done something you've regretted : Can't rmb
Broke a promise : Alot of times D:
Hide a secret : Uh huh.
Met someone who changed your life : Not yet.
Pretended to be sick : Yesh!
Left the country : Uh huh, for a holiday
Tried something you normally wouldnt try & like it : Such a complicated question.
Pretended to be happy : Most of th time.
Ran a mile : How long's a mile? HAHAHAHA!
Went to the beach with your best friend : Next Year to Sentosa
Eating now : Nothing
Drinking now : My Sliver*
I'm about to watch : BRILLIANT LEGACY!!
Wants kid : Maybe.
Wants to get marry : Yeah! To korean guy. (^^)
Careers in mind : IDK, concentrate on studies first
Listening to : many ppl speaking
Plans for tomorow : Nothing.
Waiting for : MR. RIGHT
Girl/Boy : Girl.
Lip/Eyes : Eyes.
Taller/Short: Taller.
Romantic/Spontaneous : Spontaneous
Nice stomach/Nice arms : None
Cried over a sillest thing : Dont think so.
Sensitive/Loud : Both?
Hooked up/Relationship : Nah.
Trouble maker/hesitant : Hesitant.
Lost glasses/contacts : uh, Perfect eyesight
Ran away from home : Nope.
Killed somebody : Obviously NOT
Broken someone's heart : Hell no.
Been arrested : Nope
Cried when someone died : Tried to, but can't
Miracles : No.
Love at first sight : Joe Jonas
Heavens : Hell.
Santa Claus : HUH?
Sex on the first date : Retarded
Kiss on the first date : I havent gone on a date.
Is there anyone you wish to be now : LEE SEUNG JI, KIM HYUN JOONG, a lot more~~~
Are you seriously happy with where you are in life : Not exactly

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