I'm so late... eveyone has already finished posting

i've got nothing to say, seriously...
uh.. made loads of friends....
okay, here it goes..
I'm in ENIF!!
Regina! COGS
she was sort of noisy...
most of the time she would complain about someone she doesn't like
And i'm the BEST, as you can see
Have to listen and control my head from bursting
She doesn't like giving Eunice an i the room key
And we had to go through our Neighbour's door
But still, she's my room mate and had FUN with her
WanQian! Hannah! Jasmine! Joan! COGS
They're all P6 but COOL ones
They're not like those ah-lian or something
They're REALLY nice
I guess Hannah was really funny
Eunice! COGS
My other room mate
She hates it when Regina or i SCREAM
She'll be like: Can you all dun scream, so irritating!
Then Regina and i will go SLIENT!
Afterall, she's nice too!
Davin! Yew Gin! Andre! St. James (Power Station)
We made them open the connecting doors
So that we can go through as Regina,
The room I/C is always AWAY~
And they really did! :O It was fun though
There was ONE cockroach on the floor
but none of them could catch it :/
On the last day, when we'll have to pack our bags
They finished within like 10 mins and started playing
They played BLANKET FIGHT!
Regina and I also started playing PILLOW FIGHT
But i WARNED her not to mess up my hair
She didn't but But BUT DAVIN did it! :((((((((((((
He threw that pillow over my head and then i was like OMG!
Aaron Allwood! COGS
I dun really know him actually, but slowly...
He likes RED! :O
He sat behind me in the bus
Whenever he blows bubblegum,
i couldn't make it in time to see the bubble
Oh, talking about him, i STILL FEEL REALLY BAD
His rubiks* cube, i was playing with it and
And i 'destroyed' not really, it came out by itself!
But i've already gotten a replacement and i would feel better!! :))
Oh, he likes to play with the webcam stuff i guess
But it's really cute, ahaha
Nicholas! Luke! Max! COGS
Nicholas is a total weirdo, but a funny one though...
Especially when he apologises to like almost everyone
along the way or maybe he realises his mistakes?
Luke is always holding a video cam?
And he even takes pictures when someone vomits on the floor
How COOL was that? OMG...
And he calls me CELESTIAL...
oh, I wanna thank MAX!
He told me about church camp and stuff
If not i wouldn't have known about this and loads of friends!
Darren! Shaunald! COGS
They were mostly beside Regina and I during sessions..
Darren said that Mike's hair feels like COTTON WOOL!
Shaunald gets CRAZY over food
And he asked me whether i want to go out after camp
And i was okay.. and after camp, i DISAPPEARED
ahahaha, i was mean enough to leave him there alone....
Oh, i think that's enough...
OHYA! how can i forget him
He's really SWEET!
He gave me a sock with my name on it and a letter!
Not a lot though, but still thank you! :DDDDDDDDDDD
and this weird weird boy Jarrett, my buddy
We didn't talk, nor smile at each other, just walk pass...
And i called Derrick the TUBBY guy cause i didn't know his name
Then after that he felt offended.. So i called him the BOING! guy
He still felt offended, until Aaron said his name, then i was SO SORRY~!
Ahh, i missed you guys loads!!!
But we'll be meeting up on the 23rd right?
And SORRY AARON and WANQIAN for waiting~~
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