
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve!

It's Christmas Eveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
I'm @ Woodlands now with WHOLE family! :D
We had gift exchange and everyone

they're opening their presents now
But me, BLOGGING! ZOMG. cannot believe it huh...

I'll open at 12am. Just 3 more hours
We'll be going to Time Zone at Causeway point laterr
I hope aunt will top up $50 again
and we can play $100 worth of games (!!)
My brother has like 1 present more than me

even the maids have presents
Cause my grandmother only gave to some ppl
Cannot blame her lah, she's alr old and didnt know
what to buy for us.. 11 cousins in total... :O

Mei Xin is here too! (Y)
My cousins are like crazy over 当我们同在一起
I really want to go for Christmas Service at church tmr!!
But should just keep away from there for the time being.... :(

I think Monday movie-ing with WanQian, Joan and Wendy
OMG, i still dk how to explain to aaron.. :/
Tuesday going Escape with Benson, Clara, Dion, ZiXian......
And the nicholas is still really REALLY WEIRD!
DK if should invite him to my blog?

I just started my first greeting with Meilia just now :O
I've nvr seen her before though she's from COGS
She's going on to Sec 2 next year but is 15 now
Cause she's a Indonesian, like so cool right?

I've like more than 10 Indonesian friends on Facebook now (Inclu Meilia)
Her surname is also veh cool; Tarina :O
Meilia Tarina

Jane Heryawan
Felix Lianto
David Vidux
Ferdian Winarta
Nelvin ~~
Fiona Sari
Josceline Naomi

Agatha Florentia
Lamodya Lady
And i've been remembering Derrick's word wrongly
It should be Befuddled instead of Defuddled!! bleh
I've got nothing to blog now, so yeah
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

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