
Friday, October 22, 2010

We are in love, haven't you heard. How we rock each others' world.


Inter-class Softball Games today. 9 of my classmates were absent. Well, at least it was a improve of 1 from yesterday. Celestial, Liann, Meryl, Gladys, Valerie, Juliet, and Me. We've always been fighting for positions with 2-3 since last year. When it was my turn to hit the ball, i screwed it up by not ending it with a Home run. I have no idea why, but when i lost that very last chance, my whole body shivered and then i cried. I felt so bad. Not being able to sustain a First place for my team mates. Anyway, i got a GOLD for my Napfa. (Y) It was so close, THAT CLOSE. I could have gotten the 3rd position for 2.4km in the cohort!

After that was recess then CPR. It was kinda boring... but of course, useful for future usage. The best part is, IgavemyfirstkisstoadummycalledAnne. Iris came late to school, with her uber SEXY voice, i like; HAHA. She sat there, not doing anything with the CPR kit. There were many instructors who asked why she wasnt doing anything, i was like her Spokesman lor. My hand is currently swollen, cause i think i broke Anne's ribcage.

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