
Monday, October 4, 2010


I've got a number of close friends, but none i would consider as a Bestfriend. Maybe, there used to be. But now that Secondary is exhausting and all the shit comes down on us... friendship that used to be So close, now deteriorating.

Crystal and I have been real close ever since we're classmates since Primary 3 and is now from my clique. For many a times i was sad, i hardly turn to anyone, not even her. But she could clearly see through how i felt. She have really nice tempers too. I think i hardly, or have Never seen her unhappy with me before. On this very day that I'd never forget, 28 October 2009. It was her birthday! Like how anyone else would be excited to receive presents from our classmates. I shook her table, and there goes her glass photo frame. However, she didn't show that she was upset with me. But in fact, she still smiled with tears in her eyes and telling me she's alright. Obviously i felt guilty. Even till exams, i dislike studying, i mean who doesnt? She pushes me and asks me to study daily Without Fail. On this very dreadful month called September, i met someone i really liked. But i gave up hope to be with him 3 weeks later. I was of course, disappointed to have found out what had had happened. I was really really really sad, but Crystal tried to pull me up. She told me that i shouldn't give up, cause that's really silly of me. She even knew how many crushes i have had. Everything that I've mentioned here, it may sound really dramatic, but this is what life's about. How grateful i am to God for giving me such a friend that can be considered as my sister. ily!♥♥♥♥♥ (:

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