
Monday, March 1, 2010

Justine Beaver

Happy Birthday JUSTINE BEAVER! xD

There were quite a lot of announcements this morning. They were practically boring stuff. Fire Drill plans and shitxz. Well, the best part is that 3 different teachers came up and gave talks about Overseas Trips! (:
1. UK- $3000 (8 days)

2. India- $2000 (10 days)
3.China Twinning- $forgot. (9 days?)
Anyway, i missed the interview for UK trip last year and I'm so going for it this year. My mom say it's not a very good place to go to. Unless i'm going there for the senery, which i don't think i am. China Twinning Trip is only opened Sec 2 HMT, Sec 3 EX and HMT students. Head and Vicehead Prefect, both going NEWYORK for debate! 3 other prefects going China if i'm not wrong. Why can't we like go Korea or something for Training! LOL. Contact time was taken up again.

[Ms KOK! your Math fail isit? Make us go up 4th floor to count the whole class and come down again. Should just DIY right. It seems like our class is the only class that the monitors have to account for the whole class. Ms kok, you can even loose weight by climbing the stairs everyday! xD]
PL Perissa is closed. I only realised it today! Stupid sia. Went Marina Barage with 2-7 and 2-8. Together with Leyoon(Le yun) and Shingz(Shing Hei) Made a new friend from 2-8. Iesha. From Nepal! (: Overall, Marina Barage was fine. Just that the guide made it SUCK. Basically, i learnt nothing from what he had said except that our palm shaped like Singapore. LOL.

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