
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

National Inter-School Cross Country Championships 2010

I'm so-so-so sad. I didn't do well for National Inter-School Cross Country Championships 2010. Damn tough okay. Anyway, Darlyn asked me to look for his friend but didn't manage to find Maris Stella anywhere! I was supposed to call his friend a Cambodian Bastard. ahha, i wanted to but the school is seriously nowhere to be found! Sowyee fell at the very start when eveyone started pushing. Methodist Girls were uber rough okay. First runner for C-div is a small sized girl from Singapore Sports School. PL didn't win a single shit. Well maybe we're in the top 50 only. But at least we all did better than normal training days. Mr Lim told us that he'll not be coaching us next year anymore. ): We used to be like around 28 mins and today i did it in 23mins. I also didn't stop or even walk! Saw Liaw Jia Yi! (: She was one of the photographers there? Now i so paiseh. She saw me running so badly. D: Went back to school after prize presentation. Reached school at around 12.15, took a group photo and went for lunch at cafe. Missed Chapel! :O I was very full after drinking my 1.5litres of water. The new trend for now is to wear your bra outside your shirt. That was what Ms Haida wore today! ahaha. Went to AVA room for LIVE Lessons after that. Ms Kok scolded Esheen and I for not telling her the day before that we're going for competition. TSK. After that i bad mood for no reason until Malay lesson. Then teacher say: "Celeste, why are you so moody? Have i offended you in anyway?" Then she gave the class sweets for the quiz. After eating the sweets, i became damn high! Even till now! hahahahah. Challenged with cikgu Five Stones and she stopped playing halfway cause lesson over already. -.- My hands and legs are filled with Hennah drawings. SO COOL! There is Paramore; Hey Monday; Archer and a star written! (: I think there's too many exclaimation marks! Here are the results, i was damn lousy D:

Position : 10 Team: PLMGS Total Point: 263
Tag No Name Team Timing Pos
2221 Tan Ren Qi, Elena PLMGS 00:20:27.72 047
2217 Koh Esheen PLMGS 00:21:09.80 062
2220 Celeste Neo PLMGS 00:21:41.04 076
2219 Leong Sow Yee PLMGS 00:21:45.86 078