
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Random cher.

Yay, my Awesome and beloved 2nd Husband & Track-mate.
Went for Guitar in the afternoon. It seems more interesting than usual, dunno why. Met PeiSi, bought our bubble tea and went for Science Tuition. Victor was there again. For the past 2 weeks, he has been in my class. Wei Xuan should join Mavis too! haha. Today Mr Imran was super random. He kept telling us about BGR, marriage and weird stuff. Then he kept calling my name (not that i was talking) to ask me questions. Then he'll also think of something funny, laughs to himslef and tell us the story. Even going through Chemistry about the Periodic table, he'll suddenly change the topic to Army and Machine Guns. He said:" Army is damn fun, but i won't want to go back there""Why?": Because it's boring" HUH? Weird lah. Then he told us that girls should look for guys 2 years older to match up the maturity level. Guys should look for girls 5 year younger. LOL, how random...