
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Missing someone is your heart’s way of telling you just how much you love them.

English- C5
Chinese- C6
Mathematics- B3
Physics- D7
Geography- D7
Literature- C6
D&T- A1
Art- A2

I guess i am only fated to go into the Arts Stream. Really, i have to buck up. I cant seem to improve on my Art. Since last term, i only got 70. Although i got highest in class, but i just cant get an A1. I gave up on Chinese long ago, but i still managed to pass. <: I want to take Pure Literature, but then i cannot take Elect History. I suck at Geography. I failed D&T last year, i have no idea how. But i got a 81 this term. (: One of my classmate said that if one fails 2 sciences, she'll have to retain. Im afraid, cause im one of them.

Christine is leaving for London and then to America in less than 2 month's time. I bet i will cry like shit when she leaves. Idk, we dont seem to be as close as my other classmates, but im starting to miss her even though she's still with us. Once she leaves, she will be in a boarding school in London and will only visit Singapore during her Summer Vacation/ June holidays.

Went Dexus yesterday, wow. Everyone is becoming Pretty and Handsome. Im the only one, remain unchanged. It's Crush all over again.

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