
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I just know we can't be over, i can see it in your eyes.

Currently at Weixuan's house now. Kailing and Victor went back, im the only one left, (Y). It was super embarrassing during dinner just now. I dropped the chopsticks and her parents thought i was playing. D: Studied Physics and a little of Bio and Chem. Our last day of paper is on the 6th. But Weixuan's first paper is on the 5th. So i cant go out with her just yet. D:

Monday, September 27, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010

You're the best thing that's ever been mine.


FYI, i stole this from Weixuan's blog because we dont have a Lovers picture. I want those teeeeees! She's so cute, ikr. ILY! :DD

Thursday, September 23, 2010

And as long as I can feel you holding on. I won't fall, even if you said I was wrong.


I was sad though, my mum said i looked older than her. I hate myself,im short, fat and stupid. D: First paper today. Letter and composition writing. I think i wrote out of point. I wrote at least 1230 words for my English compo. After school today, wanted to go study with Celestial and clique @ the library. Then Celestial fking wasted our time. She spent time with her love and threw us aside. Felyn and Kamini was pissed off, so they left. Megan, Crystal and I also fucked up, so we left. Saw Victor outside Macs and returned his e-dict. Crystal and Megan then came over to my house and only left at 7.30pm.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I'm not perfect but i keep trying.

Not very long ago, we were all mugging for PSLE, soon after struggling to pass Secondary 1. But 2010 is going to end in a blink of an eye. Now that everything's coming to an end, hopefully friendships wont. Exam's in less than 3 days, but we've only started mugging and are already planning the schedule for Holidays. Everyday i told myself, I NEED TO STUDY. But there isnt motivation in myself. Im not looking to after exams afterall, just afraid that i wont be able to get into the stream i want. I like Humanities and hate Sciences, idk why. I'm starting to MISS my Lower Secondary Years already.

Crystal absent herself from school today; OVERSLEPT. As what i expected, lol. PE was fun with my retarded group of friends. :) English lesson was kinda Slack, teacher only went through the format for Composition and Letter Writing, then questions time. Biology was very rush, i think at half the class have already forgotten what has been taught in Term 1. Chinese was still as boring, wanted to fall asleep when my partner was sleeping away. Had 'family' bonding during Mathematics. :DD Tomorrow is gonna be a waste of time in school, only have D&T, Chinese, Chapel and LIVE. I'll try studying tomorrow after school @ the library.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Life is a bumpy road.

Kesha- Tik Tok Katy perry- California Gurls

Both songs are like exactly the same.
Vanessa is absent from school today, she was probably unwell. School's kinda boring, but im married to Phua Liann and im proud of it. I want a couple picture soon! :DD

Im going for Canon Photography Marathon with dad, Grace and Valerie's family.(Y) Plus, my brother is Awesomely gonna lend me his DSLR.(L)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

HAPPY 1-6'09 DAY (!!!)(L)(Y)

I MISS 1-6 '09

How retarded each any of us used to be. We are super united, especially when it comes to not handing in of homework. We're all slackers to be exact. But talking about fun, we get too high at times,and thats when punishments come in.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

We're like Venus and Mars.

I've been having insomnia these few days. I would lay on my bed, stare into space and only manage to sleep at 4am. By the time the alarm clock rings at 5.45am, i'd wake up immediately. Not being able to fall asleep anymore, until my Chinese/ English or Math teacher bores me out. During Geography lesson yesterday, the principal came in, LOL. This morning, fire alarm towards the end of PE lesson and it cut 25 minutes of our Recess. So obviously, in return, we ate 10 minutes of the next lesson. According to the time-table, English should start at 9.20 and finish by 10.30, but our teacher only came in at 10.15. Went to Bishan after school, Macs and then studied @ library. Every floor was like compacted and we had no choice but to go to the Children's section. There was this annoying security guard, i swear (even the Librarian was fine with us).

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Maybe,someday,oneday wishes will come true.

RUYING IS AWESOME; the only one who could pronounce Watson as Watson, not WatsonS.
Okay, i have no idea what to say but im dedicating this post to Ruying because she asked for it.
Todays training was slacker than Tuesday: 7 rounds around the hall for warm ups, 5 sets of stairs, 5 sets of hurdles + kneelift + rubberband ,3km , 5sets of kneelift, 2km of cool down. Deadbeat by the time i reached home, i swear.
Today, 10mins warm up around hall, 5 sets of stairs, 5 sets of kneelift, 3km, 5 sets of kneelift, 400m cool down.
Today is the officially the day when CCA stands down. One month of no Track= 2kg of fats.
I MISS UNITED KINGDOM, so very much.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I like really cool guitars and superheros, and cheques with lots of zeros on them.

Check out my timing for Yellow Ribbon Project Run. http://www.runpix.info/wrace/00/yrr10/finord.phpFO=241&FirstName=&LastName=&lan=&aset=2&dist=06&event=yrr10&x=11&y=15 Although it's only 6km, i feel proud of myself. Probably because of the rainy weather that made everything so cool. I ran all by myself. Not because my friends were ahead of me, but because i couldnt run with people around me. I get easily distracted.

Just MSN'ed with Joan, i missed her so very much. Anyway, i've not completed my homework. I still have at least 3 papers left.I miss my friends hell loads. School's starting in 4 days time. Welcome to hell.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

But you wanna hear what lives in my brain, my heart, well you asked for it.

OMG, isnt this like the sweetest thing ever? I'd be super touched if a guy ever does this to me. I mean, who wouldnt be? I think Nick Jonas(Nate) rock more than Joe Jonas now. Though Chloe Bridges(Dayna) lips are really thick, like she's somehow related to Angelina Jolie. Meaghan Jette(Tess) looks so much better than Demi Lovato now. HAHA, Camp Rock 2 has much awesomer songs! :))

Friday, September 3, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Missing someone is your heart’s way of telling you just how much you love them.

English- C5
Chinese- C6
Mathematics- B3
Physics- D7
Geography- D7
Literature- C6
D&T- A1
Art- A2

I guess i am only fated to go into the Arts Stream. Really, i have to buck up. I cant seem to improve on my Art. Since last term, i only got 70. Although i got highest in class, but i just cant get an A1. I gave up on Chinese long ago, but i still managed to pass. <: I want to take Pure Literature, but then i cannot take Elect History. I suck at Geography. I failed D&T last year, i have no idea how. But i got a 81 this term. (: One of my classmate said that if one fails 2 sciences, she'll have to retain. Im afraid, cause im one of them.

Christine is leaving for London and then to America in less than 2 month's time. I bet i will cry like shit when she leaves. Idk, we dont seem to be as close as my other classmates, but im starting to miss her even though she's still with us. Once she leaves, she will be in a boarding school in London and will only visit Singapore during her Summer Vacation/ June holidays.

Went Dexus yesterday, wow. Everyone is becoming Pretty and Handsome. Im the only one, remain unchanged. It's Crush all over again.