
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hui Wen's Birthday!

Today after recess in school,
We sort of wrote some ''fun'' thingy on th whiteboard
Eunice and all did a poll on Korean band and guys
The winner went to LEE MIN HO
Second was DBSK ?
I dun want LMH to win so i wrote SuJu and SS501
Karin gave 100 millions of votes to SS501
And there were 5 million votes from th rest of th class
We also wrote to vote girl bands like:
The Grace; Wonder Girls; SNSD... ...

Went to Grace's house after school
It was quite fun
i used her laptop and she watched me use; haha
It seemes like th computer belonged to me... ...
I went online and wished Ms Leng Happy Birthday
We chatted with Chien Ping
There's a picture of Grace when she was young, damn cute right? Hahas.
And also, the view from her house was quite nice
Byes ;)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Today's lesson was fun
espically HOMECONS!!
We made cupcakes
It totally rocked.
Mine and Natalie's cupcake were like the best okay, WHOOTS!
Eunice and Freda's one sank cos they overbet it.
I caught FLU from Zoey; Thanks you veri much
I'm like not at all feeling well lahs
Today also dun have the doctor wanted
Is another doctor
Mummy ask me to take flu medicine first, tmr then see doctor.
听写 so difficult, Mrs Lim still say 很容易的.
我们要学二十多个词语和 成语
Damn difficult!!! Kill me, how about that?!?
Anyway, i cut the cupcakes into pieces and let ppl try
All say very nice, recommend me to be a baker; LOL!
-CELESTE! xD [KimHyunJoong][KimSangBum]#<333-

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Rachael's Birthday(forgotten)... ...

Today's my good friend's birthday and i FORGOT!
Someone who has been remembering her friend's b'dae for 3 years has now forgotten
Damn disappointed, hias...
My GOD, i just wanna kill myself... ...
I mistook her birthday as 23rd July and till now,
i still not sure whose birthday is on that day...
I know that i did you buy you a present, but i should have.
Maybe i will like next week; provided i'm free :P.
And i just spoke to Clarice, she claimed that i am SENILE; WTH
Thanks ah :[
Clarice also reminded me not to forget her birthday coming up this Friday; LOL!
Today in school made another announcement saying no CCA this week
Gosh! It has been for a month since the last week of June holidays!!!
Went for councelling today for academic, it was like a time for slacking though... ...
IT lesson was loved.
Crystal's still asking me to answer her how to do Homecons; blehz...
Watching 国际交易所, if i'm typing correctly
The show's damn funny lah
And 都是大发现 is also not bad
Gotta go home now,
Zai Jian :)

Friday, July 3, 2009

What's wrong?

Today was indeed a boring day... ...
Had assembly in class; like duh~
First period SELF REVISION
Damn sian lah.
Monday have no school; YOUTH DAY!
But i have tuition, damn it!
Mum said that i'm becoming more AH LIAN
I don't get it!
Just because i wore black ear studd and pasted ''KICK HERE!'' on my bag
It's like story is intruding into my life.
Wan Ning just sms'ed me that she could not make it for tuition on Monday
OMG! What wrong with the world?
What's wrong with everyone?
Am i really that bad? Everything that i do seemed to be a problem
Juliet asked me whether i could join her on Monday for outing, rejected
Celestial asked me if i could join her for cycling; rejected
Karin asked me to go Escape with her, rejected
Have to do research for Homecons
Revise for History Quiz next Thurs (Chp 4,5,6,7,8)
Math Textbook exercise 11b and 11c (Total of 8 questions)
Physics Workbook pg 12-16

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Damn ''EMO''

Hello Peeps!~
I'm bored. Dunno what to blog now a days... ...
It would be better to be like 'EMO'
He 'EMO' until dun need to type anything de
That's what EMO ppl does; sian... ...
May GOD BLESS YOU friend.
(Dun ask me what i'm talking in the previous sentence)
Yesterday i met up with WeiXuan at the bustop and went down to Dexus
We felt bored downstairs and we went to her grandma's place
We used the computer and went to Dexus'08 blog to do editting
The blog was damn damn damn DEAD mann; argh.
At 5.30, we left the house and WX walked me back to Dexus
We climbed down the staris from 15th floor if i'm correct
I am a tracker, not tired
WX soccer player, but cannot take it at the 9th floor
Kay, today during Literature,
1-6 went to IT resource room and logged on to FB
I just did Charlené Tan's ''How well do you know me'' and i faired 33%
So paisei, Crystal got 66%... ... I LOST.
Vanna wants me to send her all the songs from BOF OST Part 2
Arhh, there is LIFE lesson tmr. Damn it! :(
Gotta go now, Zai Jian. :D