
Friday, March 20, 2009


OMG, OMG. Damn long nvr post blog. Dunno what to post you see, can't blame me for tt. Anyways, holidays are gonna end soon; in like less than 3 days.
Everyday i go to Dexus and play+ study.
It's just boring; at least better than staying at home.
16 March 2009
Woke up late @ like i think 9.45 and then after that went Dexus.
Reached at 10.55. Late huh?
YX and YJ nvr come Dexus cos they went overseas... ...
Played GTA with Marcus, Brandon and Jasmin(after persuading her for 5 mins) and Nigel
Then lunch. Waited for Janine, Cheryl, Debbie, Deborah, Amanda and whoever la.'
Then we watched simpons on my PSP, so cool.
17 March 2009
Tuesday have training @ SRJC from 3.30- 6.00
Celestial Lee didn't turn up cos she say she have fever
Mr Lim wanted us to train for our events which includes Jenny, Esheen, Celestial-nvr come, Jye Yi and Vivian. I damn admire Vivian lorh.
She run so fast and she's the only one who got in for Long Jump sia.
Then those who are like have no events- tts me!
Followed the seniors and ran not sure whether 1.5km or 3km.
So tired. Ms Deepa scolded us- the Sec 1.
She say that the seniors complain that we were not serious during training.
Which was quite true actually.
18 March 2009
Hmm. Wednesday, ate the yikey porriage.
Ms BP almost put Yong Xiang beside me and the Marcus Ooi, damn noisy keep asking Ms BP to put Yong Xiang beside me. Thanks alot huh... ...
Afternoon at abt 4p.m., WX, CT and HW came down Dexus find me to play Badminton but my mother didn't allow. WTH lorhs...
19 March 2009
Thursday have another training @ SRJC from 2.30- 5.30 instead.
Yeah, Marcus nvr come Dexus today and also not coming on Friday cos he went Malaysia i think. During training very fun. We hardly did anything today cos Mr Lim wanted us to train for our events again for the Nationals! Cos we had nothing to do, we were made to run 2km with Aleeya, Evangeline and two other seniors.. ... Which is 400m track X 5 = 2km
None of us are involved except for Vivian and her Jumps.
20 March 2009
Today ' lastday'at Dexus
There were lesser ppl today cos maybe it's Friday?!? Haha, what an excuse.
In the morning brought my grandmother go see doctor cos she's damn sick
Then i found out smth interesting!!!
JB coming Singapore!!! @ 9th April 2009, OMG OMG OMG. I damn excited sia.
Hope mummy will let me go watch . 3d concert leh. Once in a life time opportunity okay! So MUST WATCH! Haven checked out the price of the tickets yet, will find out soon enough. And i bought this month's or rather next month's Teenage magazine with JB on the front cover!!! Whooh! Tomorrow have Guitar lesson again- yay! ANd next Saturday will have to miss it due to school activity- Methodist Walk, so idiotic.

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