
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Community Involvement Programme

IDPW was so boring... Thought of a retarded idea. Learnt Pythagoras Theorem? So easy. Had Discursive Essay during English. Don't think i can pass for that paper. IMACed throughout Music lesson. No History lesson again. D: Never ate lunch. Went to Pathlight School for CIP. My little buddy is called Eden Lee. He could pronounce my name so nicely. haha. He looked like someone i know but in a child form. Will be going there for 2 moree weeks! (:

Everything i did was for you. You don't seem to appreciate it and even caused me to be hated.When you needed my help, i helped you. When something happens to me, i overcome it by myself. When i'm with you, you're the star above all else; I just looked like a bitch beside you. I used to be so innocent and always try not to make you upset. All you did was to make use of me and then throw me aside. What exactly am i to you?

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