
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Night at the museum 2

Today went out with Shirlyn, Chervelle and had to bring my cousin to watch ''Night At The Museum 2'' at AMK Hub. The cinema was supeeer cold okay. I have already reminded Shiryln to bring her jacket since last night, but she didn't. So both Her and Chervelle complained tt it was cold, cannot blame them lahh, even i agree tt the cinema was totally cold okay... ... My cousin went there with long sleeves from head to toe also complained cold lor... ... Then in the middle of the show, he wanted to pee, Gosh! I didn't care him... so he waited till the end of the show. Guess what?!? The JONAS BROTHERS are featured in the show! I mean as in, the were the roles of 3 angels tt sang Love Bug and another song (fgt the title :P) After the show, we walked around and passed by many shops. Shirlyn is like a shopaholic mahn, every shop we walked pass, she would want to buy smth and he also tried controlling... ... And like everywhere we went, one shop played the song ''Paradise''(BOF OST) and another one played ''Nobody'', LOLS''! After tt, they came to my house and Chervelle played with my guitar and Shirlyn read the school magazine 2008. She had many comments abt it... ...
I really miss Hyo Ju, she will only be back from Korea like on the 27/28 June leh... ... Awww...
Crystal, Vanessa, Karin... I will still meet you all like 2 days later. LOLS'
I really hope to meet Shirlyn again mahn. She's damn tall okay. Not my match... ... Tomorrow will be the first day Denise going to Dexus, wish her luck! I will also be there the whole month though... ...
Miss Ya'll!

Nothing... ... (50th Post)

I got this video from WX's blog, take your time to view it. Super funny.

This is how you teach women to save money:

This is why parents are stressed:

Click the Speaker Icon to listen to the song
Theres a place Batuk Bah hak.
Where the old folks can roam free.
And this place very cheap.
Got many palm trees.
Work whole life in Singapore.
But still Broke until teng kor.
Don't want you.
Go and die in another country.
When its time to Mati,90 cents for a kopi.
Send ur dad and mum.
They have chewing gum.
Send ah kongFine budget old folks home.
Health minster say got discount across borders.
Since we are dying.
Might as well make space for the living.
Singapore too small, Pls go to JB.
You may think it is far
Scally bad guys steal ur car.
Lagi worse if u drive bm or Honda.
Don't be scaredNot so scared.
Just don't stop if tire flat.
Theres no jam if u choose to go on wkdays.
When u go to johor, u can also do some shopping
Seafood cheap n fresh.
U can save some cash.
Send ah kong move to a bigger plc
Health minister say malaysa Oleh.
They got pirate ship and power tokat ali.
SingaporeBetter go Jb.
Send ah kong if he kana sick.
Health minster say ambulances on the way
Gahment very caring.
Just an option they are sharing.
Singapore loves u. Grow old in Jb.
Gahment very caring.
Just an option they are sharing.
Singapore loves u.
Grow old in Jb.
For you and for meGot no erp
Its cheaper u see.
Go die in JB

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Rules are you enter the letter into the search box and choose one person to write about Let's begin ..
A. Aleeya
1) Do you love this person? As a friend , yeah
2) Is this person your enemy? Not at all
3) Is this person taller than you? Think so
B. Bei Le<3>
2) What’s their favourite color? Mhmm, idk!
3) Ever danced with them? Neh.
C. Crystal Soo
1) Do you like this person? Yep.
2) Where did you meet this person? School!
3) How old is she? 12+
G. Geena Hui
1) Is she a good listener? Idk
2) Have you ever lied to this person? Nah
3) Is this person nice? Of course! :D
H. Hannah Toh
1) What year are they in? Sec1
2) Is he/she your best friend? Last time , now good! (:
3) Ever done something illegal with this person? No lah!
K. Karin
1) How old were you when you first met?11
2) How did you meet? In School
3) Ever danced with this person? Neh, :D
L. Le Yun
1) What would you do if you had never met this person?IDK. LOL
2) Do you like him/her? As a friend, yes
3) Would you go to Disney World with this person? Why not? xD
M. Melissa Tan
1) Is this person older than you? Not really
2) Is this person single? Yep! :D
3) How many times do you talk to them in a week?Hardly.
N. Natalie Chia
1) Is this person your boyfriend/girlfriend?Obviously not
2) Have you seen this person cry? Never
3) Do you know this person’s middle name?Natalie Chia Hui En
O. Olivia Lim
1) Are you related? Friends~
2) Could you live with this person? Maybe
3) Do you believe this person is gay? No way , she's a girl

1) Have you ever been to the mall with this person? Yep
2) How about a sleepover with them? Nopes
3) Does this person have a job? Neh.
R. Rachael Chua
1) Have you heard this person sing? Yes!
2) Do you think this person will repost this? I think not.
3) Whats one thing you would change about this person? I'm not sure...hehs;
S. Shirlyn Poh
1) Is this person taller than you? Yes, alot!
2) Do you enjoy spending time with him/her? YES!
3) Do they live close to you? A little... ...
T. Ting Suen
1) Would you do anything for him/her? Yeahh
2) Have you been to his/her house? Yepp
3) Is this person a dipshit? Nah

V. Vanessa Lin
1) Do you see this person a lot? YEAH.
2) When did you meet her/him? When I was 11 years old
3) Is this person your friend? Definitely! :D
W. Wei Xuan
1) Is this person quiet or loud? Loud? :D
2) Name a friend that both of you are close too? Hui Wen
3) What color eyes does this person have? Black?

Y. Yi Yue
1) this person wear make-up? NO.
2) Does this person play any instruments?YES , the drums!
3) What is their favourite sport? Archery
Z. Zi Yi
1) Does this person have MSN/AIM? MSN
2)Have you went shopping with this person? Nah
3) Does this person have any special skills? IDK

Sunday, May 24, 2009

50 questions... ...

01. Who was your last text from? Today was, Juliet Tan
02. Where was your default picture taken? Not very sure
03. Your relationship status? Single... ...
04. Have you ever lost a close friend? Yes, in Pri 4
05. What is your current mood? Emotionless
06. How many siblings do you have? 1
07. Whats your brother(s)/sister(s) names? Davis
08. Where do you wish you were right now? No where, stay at home & watch BOF
09. Have a crazy side? Maybe, can't rmb
10. Ever had a near death experience? Nah, i dun wish to experience death!
11. Something you do a lot? Joke
12. Angry at anyone? Yes! Geum Jan Di(Koo Hye Sun), she is the worst person tt can act in BOF!!!
13. What's stopping you from going for the person you like? Nothing? I dun like anyone
14. When was the last time you cried? Let's see... I'm not quite sure, ask my friends
15. Is there anyone you would do anything for? Not for the time being
16. What you think about when you are falling asleep? Hyun Joong & Kim Bum will alws be mine
17. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My uncle to pick me up...
18. What is your favorite song? Angela by Super Junior!
19. What are you doing right now? Doing this bloody thing
20. Who do you trust right now? Me, only, myself
21. Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? Hang Ten
22. Have you kissed someone in the past week? Obviously Not!
23. Who is your friend that lives closest to you? Shirlyn?
24. Describe your life in one word? I dun think i should even be here
25. Who are you thinking of right now? Hyun Joong and Kim Bum
26. What should you be doing right now? Pacing my school bag for tmr
27. What are you listening to? Jan Di & Jun Pyo shouting at each other
28. Who was the last person who gave you a hug? My Lao Bu
29. Who was the last person who yelled at you? Davis Neo
30. Do you act differently around the person you like? Nah, i only like KHJ &KB
31. What is your natural hair color? Dark Brown
32. Who was the last person to make you laugh? Goo Jun Pyo
33. Who was the last person to make you sad? Koo Hye Sun!!!
34. What do you hear? More of Korean nowadays... ...
35. Is your hair curly or straight? Natural curl
36. Has anyone ever called you "scrumptious" before? Nah, who will?
37. Do you have a best friend? Eh... ... For instance Crystal? Actually like no one, it's like more of good friends... ...
38. Held hands with the opposite sex in the past 3 days? Ya right... No one to hold lah, LOLS'
39. Do you use smiley faces on the computer? Duh~
40. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? Think so, like 7 years ago...
41. Are you happy with life right now? NAH! Only if KHJ & KM were here
42. Are you currently jealous? Maybe...
43. What jewelry are you currently wearing? Earing?
44. What were you doing on friday night? Computering
45. Have you ever had your heart broken? Sometimes... ...
46. Have you ever broken someone's heart? I dunno, i'll try not
47. Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now? NOPES!
48. What was the last reason you went to the doctor for? I got myself injured almost
49. How late did you stay up last night and why? 12pm, i was watching
50. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
Hello?!?!@?#@?#@$ I have nvr dated anyone okay

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Do these pairs look alike?

Qui Sheng Yi(Taiwanese)

Aaron Yan(Taiwanese)

Kris Allen(American)

Brad Pitt(American)

Bae Yong Jun(Korean)

Kim Hyun Joong(Korean)

Joseph Adam Jonas(American)

Adam Lambert(American)

Ariel Lin(Taiwanese)

Wu Ying Jie(Taiwanese)

Xiao Xun(Taiwanese)


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sports Carvinal

Picture of Super Junior

Today was Sports Carnival @ PL from 9.50-1.10
We played:
WII Sports
-Played Tennis & lost to cp
-Vanessa hit the ball and flew back stage
- I hit the ball too high and it flew to the celling and pushed up the board
Rhythmic Gymnastics
-The ribbon is very fun, get tangled quite easily
- Dawn, Primary 5, Expert at Gymnas
- She tricked me :(, very cute though
- 1-6 tried to Sabo me but failed. :P
- I tried 4 times and only managed to hit down ONE at the fourth time
Circus Skill
- Did the dunno wad and succeeded ONCE as well
In-line skating
-Me quite professional 0.o
-Roamed around the whole school
-Only 1st floor wor. Sian, cannot go up
-Super fun! but quite scary cos i dunno how to control myself
-Have at least 3 instructors came to help me stand up & walk
Free Roaming stations
Mrs Hyun Joong just sprained somewhere near her ankle
Had bruise there in her veins :'(
But still can walk cos the bruise not SUPEER serious lah
Look what i found on the someone's blog:

I think Joon Pyo will be giving it( This necklace) to Si Cao
If i'm not wrong

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Boys Over Flower

Have you watched BOF, a.k.a Boys Over flower?
If you haven, OMG, let me tell you
You better watch! You'll be star craze only in the 1st Epi, trust me
Let me give you an intro... ... for the sake of some ppl
This is the four of them

My 1st Husband!
Ji Hoo
Name: Kim Hyun Joong * 김현중
Nickname: Sexy
BoyBirthday: 6/6/1986
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 68 kg
Blood Type: B
Hobbies/Interests: Swimming, Health, Basketball, Soccer
He appeared in the highly anticipated Korean remake of popular Japanese Manga,

"Hana Yori Dango".
Hyun Joong played the role of Yoon Ji Hoo,
the F4 violinist that falls for the main character.
Hyun Joong received huge praises from the drama and even went on to wining
The Male Popularity Award at the 45 Baeksang Awards.
My 2nd Husband!
Name: 김범 / Kim Bum
Real Name: 김상범 / Kim Sang Bum
Profession: Actor
Birthdate: 1989-Jul-07
Height: 181cm
Weight: 63kg
Star sign: Cancer
Family: Younger sister and brother, cousin/singer Jini

Not my husband!
Goo Joon Pyo
Korea's flower
Real name: Lee Min-Ho(이민호)
22 year-old actor
At a red carpet for a local awards show,
he tripped and almost fell flat on his face.

Also not my husband!
The last one, no picture.
Song Woo Bin
ProfileName: 김준 / Kim Joon (Kim Jun)
Real name: 김형준 / Kim Hyung Joon (Kim Hyeong Jun)
Profession: Singer and actor
Birthdate: 1984-Feb-03
Height: 183cm
Weight: 64kg
Star sign: Aquarius
Blood type: O
Talent agency: 2step Entertainment
Top 100 worldwide guys:
1. Lee Minho
2. Kang Dong Won
3. Kim Bum
4. Yoongwoong Jaejoong (DBSK)
5. Matsumoto Jun (Arashi)
6. Kim Hyun Joong (SS501)(BBF)
7. Nick Khun
8. Jung Il Woo
9. Oguri Shun
10. Jo In Sung
11. Moon Mason
12. Joo Ji Hoon
13. Vic Zhou
14. Taemin (SHINee)
15. Lee Yong Dae
16. Micky Yoochun (DBSK)
17. Akanishi Jin (Kat-tun)
18. Kim Jae Wook
19. Tomohisa Yamapi (NewS)
20. Jang Geun Suk
21. Minho (SHINee)
22. Heechul (Super Junior)
23. Boyd Holbrook (model)
24. Kim Yo-Han
25. Lee Jun Ki
26. Ji Seung Jun (Shoot Dori)
27. Andrea Goldberg (Model)
28. Kibum (Super Junior)
29. Ji Hyun Woo
30. Yoo Seung Ho
31. Choikang Changmin (DBSK)
32. Tamaki Hiroshi
33. Yoo Ah In
34. Hongki (FT Island)
35. Mokomichi Hayami
36. TOP (Big Bang)
37. Hyunbin
38. Lee Seung Gi
39. Gaspard Ulliel
40. Kamenashi Kazuya (KAT-TUN)
41. Sungmin (Super Junior)
42. Hwang Kidong
43. Teppei Koike (WAT)
44. Lee Dong Wook
45. Mun Sungmin
46. Ricky Kaka
47. Se7en
48. Jung Eui Chul
49. Tsumabuki Satoshi
50. U-know Yunho (DBSK)
51. G-Dragon (Big Bang)
52. Zac Efron
53. Lee Dong Gun
54. Miura Haruma
55. Im Joo Hwan
56. Nicholas Holt
57. Cheon Jeong Myeong
58. Kim Hyung Joon (SS501)
59. Park Tae Hwan ( SKorean Gold medalist swimmer 2008 Olympics)
60. Ryan Curry
61. Shin Min Cheol
62. Mitchell Scott Hewer
63. Kyuhyun (Super Junior)
64. Mingus Lucien Reedus
65. Kim Hyesung
66. Donghae (Super Junior)
67. Kim Dong Wook
68. Joe Cheng
69. Fredrik Stenman
70. Joseph McManners
71. Park Hae Jin
72. Siwon (Super Junior)
73. Kim Jung Hoon
74. Matsuda Shota
75. Kim Joon
76. Nu Min Woo (Trax)
77. Baek Ji hoon
78. Chase Crawford
79. Baek Seung Hyun
80. Onew (SHINee)
81. Evan Yoo
82. Toma Ikuta
83. Hong Jong Hyun
84. Jonghun (FT Island)
85. Johnny Weir
86. Song Joong Ki
87. Eita
88. Kim Si Hoo
89. Robert Pattinson
90. Lee Wan
91. Sung Je (Supernova)
92. Lee Hyun Jin
93. Matt Anderson (Volleyball player)
94. Jinwoon (2AM)
95. Jiro Wang (Fahrenheit)
96. Chris (Battle)
97. Ben Barnes
98. Kim Min Seok
99. Taegoon
100. Lee Hae Woo

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Slacking day... ...

Today was like a 'repeat' of yesterday; damn slack
It was raining heavily
No morning jog, shouldn't have worn my PE attire inside
Almost half the class was late for school
Crystal didn't report for her MIT duty
History was the first period and supeeer boring,
LeYun and i almost fell asleep
We slapped each other to wake us up but it didn't quite work
During Geography, we watched ''The Day After Tomorrow''
It was a great show, though it was my 5th time watching it?
While watching, i saw Kamini eating her bread, so i got hungry also
I took out my bread and ate too; yummy!
During Biology, we continued watching ''Flabber''
Half way through, Ms Ng stopped the show and returned us our test papers
I wasn't prepared at all! I scored 48/100 though,
JiaYous fer Physics next term then, Go Celeste!
Recess, i hardly ate, cos i wasn't hungry! :)
Math was another boring lesson , LeYun and i played
I wrote on her pinafore and when she bent down, i wrote 'yly' on her neck
During English, Yip grouped Me, Nat Chia, Chiu WL and Freda into one group to do a story
It was alright actually
Freda and Natalie wrote the story so WL and I did nothing
I got bored again and took Sara's Nike water bottle tt contained Green Tea
And started spraying it at PeiSi, Crystal, Vanessa, Natalie Chia and Gladys
till they smelled like Green Tea
School ended at 1.23 today instead of 2pm, yeahh
Clique'09 went to Primary school
Vanessa and Crystal took out their pinafore and ran round the primary school track
Vanessa went to catch a moth, LOLS'
Crystal wrote a proposal for me and Kim Hyun Joong
It didn't excite PeiSi at all, Sianz... ...
Tomorrow will be another boring day, based on the time-table?
Mrs Kim was here! :)
-Celeste[JiJoo]- #<333

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

5,6,10,13 May 2009

5 May 2009
Tt day, Vanessa, Crystal and PeiSi came to my house to start on our Lit. skit.
So until today, our group still not ready to present the skit yet. LOLS.
Then, my mother was at home.
She gave the 3 of them BRANDED PLASTIC BAGS.
They were super Crazy man and tt they almost tare the house down
They were screaming like nobody's business, super noisy
It's like even worse then a fish market
In total, 9 was given to Vanessa, 9 to PeiSi and 10 to Crystal
That was loads of it
After tt, we practised our skit
And at the end of the day, which is 2-3 hours later,
we only managed to complete 3/8 of the script
Cos it wasn't early already, so they had to go home
I sent them to the bustop opp. my house
As they brought many BRANDED PLASTIC BAGS home,
many ppl in the bus looked at them like they were crazy ppl or rather students
Then i MSG Crystal: Heys, rmb to lift up your
plastic bags high up so tt everyone can see kay?
Crystal reply: I know, then alot people look at us like idiots... ...
6 May 2009
Had History and Chinese paper and resumed lessons. LOLS
That day was quite slack cos after the paper, had break
After break is Bio, then Chapel, Contact Time, PE then go home
So it's like nothing to do the whole day
10 May 2009
My family booked chalet for 2 days
I didn't stay there, i went home to sleep instead
The next day, heard that the whole hall was wet
becos it was raining super heavily the previous night
Luckily i nvr stay there
13 May 2009
Today was damn slack, which was GREAT! :D
1st & 2nd period was IT Lesson
3rd- Literature, watched other groups performed their skits
4th- Recess
5th & 6th- Biology, we watched a movie (forgotten the name)
for the whole 2 periods
7th- Chapel, watched another stupid movie ( If i had a green nose)
not really a movie, more of a Cartoon, worse then Noddy lor
8th- Contact time, did survey on Class Committee
9th- PE, played badminton
Go Home! LOLS.
Tomorrow will be a Brand New Day!
No more exams! Hooray!
I'm already planning for June holiday's schedule
Diao!... ...
Celeste [JiHoo] was here! :)