
Friday, August 8, 2008

my worst day ever

A few days ago i had a prefect meeting.(as usual) But it was a terrible one!!! All prefects have to vote for their friends to be either one of dhha characters in a skit. And irritating Mary and Dora "ganged" up with their other friends to vote for me and as you know, i can be the only person to spoil the whole skit. I did not know who to act or neither do i have the experience to! But they voted for me in anyways... ... I think what Lynn Ee said was right: "Who ask Chervelle to make you so famous!" I have thought about and i think i should stay away from Chervelle or i will be in "better" trouble. Anyway, i have to be either Nardine's mother or Hilary's girlfwen.(AWwww)I should decide not to talk to Mary in anyways she bluffed me by trying to "shudd up" when i asked her not to but i just dunno how to express it!!! !!!

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