
Thursday, March 28, 2013

340; Our God is greater, our God is stronger

2 months back, we received our courses offered for the next stage of Education through a text message by MOE. Based on my O level results, I wasn't qualified to apply for good JCs and courses in the Polytechnics, which left me with limited choices. I was then offered "Business Information Systems" which I'm not interested in. at all. I tried using JPASE, DPSAE but neither could allow me to change course.

A peaceful month ago, Nat(in short as we call him), from COGS, had a chat with me, asking me about my school related course. So he asked if i was keen to get into the School of Hospitality. I WAS. I ALWAYS AM. He then mentioned he would try to help me get into a course in SOH, however, i would still have to appeal. Then I thought, why not give it a try, and i did. Later did i realise he was a senior from SOH hahaha!! (:

After waiting painstakingly for one whole month, I finally received an email inviting me to go for an interview and writing test for SOH. I was late for the writing test, but thank God i managed to finish my essay "I want to get in the School of Hospitality because... ..." within the time frame. Or was it because my mum already prepared me with a similar question the night before? ;)


Interviewer: "If you are not given the course of your choice, but a course in the SOH, would you accept?"

Me: "Yes. Afterall, the basics we are gonna learn are similar."

Interviewer: "Smart girl"


The interview went well i guess. But i wasn't as confident as I was before the interview than after. It was pretty cool though, the 11 of us selected for this interview went through a round of Panel interview.

Waiting for 10 days felt like a year, especially when you're expecting results. So today, I woke up to this... ...

This is not a thank you speech, but i would really like to Thank God for my fellow brother in Christ, Nathaniel Ghui, and that i did actually try. And of course, I prayed day and night hoping for a miracle, and then it happened. (: Now that I have finally settled down into a course i'm satisfied with, I believe it's a new beginning to my schooling years. Nonetheless, All Glory and Praise to God. :D

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Don't you just hate it when you have nothing on and get really bored, and when your friend is free, all other group of friends happen to be available too? Well I literally resent it.

I supposedly have Clique lunch & shopping/ Dead Fishes to Sentosa; Mark's place for sleepover/ Dinner with 1/4 Jengaman Crew/ Dance practice in Church today.

Initially, my uncertified stm has caused me to forgot my clique had a date today... On the other hand, Dead Fishes(another group of really close siblings in Christ) organised an outing to Sentosa then a sleepover. I actually wanted to postpone my clique's date just to go ahead with Dead Fishes, but if i were to postpone it, it won't be easy to find another date where almost everyone is available. I really dreaded not being able to get a Tan. ):

Eventually I went ahead for Korean BBQ lunch(free meal thanks to Karin's parents) ---> Shopping in Town ---> Dance in church and completely skipped the entire outing with Dead Fishes.(yes, ofc i'm sad)


It was a relatively crazy and fun day spent with Crystal, Vanessa and Karin. with our mentally remembered sisters; Gladys and Gracia who are currently in Korea, most probably having more fun than us... :/ We had so much laughter and simple joy/ jokes simply cheer us up. I really miss those classroom moments where we just talk lots of crap and couldn't stop laughing. God, I thank you for these people in my life. (':

Dance was quite a killer considering I haven't done a good, proper stretching in months. I can't be sure if I still want to go for dance lessons in future because my instructor says she focuses on Contemporary moves and I like Hip Hop, so nah... ... :/

Sunday, March 3, 2013

338; Somewhere in Neverland.

Few weeks back, I was invited by my used-to-be CGL and churchmate to Mega Games Day my previous church held yesterday. Initially when I got the text, the first thing that came to my mind was "Awww I'm INVITED, but wouldn't it be Awkward? ):" Ah Whatever, I immediately replied my CGL that I would turn up. Even up till last afternoon, I was still worried and had butterflies in my stomach, yet I was elated to being able to see my friends once again. (: Upon reaching church, I saw all the familiar faces around which got me a little more relieved.

So I stood next to Max (Fellow Crosser ^^) during worship because the rest of the ministry were late! I really loved the songs sang during Worship. "Jesus be the center" and -it's a shame I couldn't remember this song ):- I recall dedicating JBTC upon my life and basically leaving it all to God at the beginning of This year. So yeap, I believe it's an reassurance from my Father and I have completely no doubts about it. :D

I was totally at ease after Worship and seeing more recognisable faces spilling into the room. I was placed into LIZARDS(Ew Maximum), which after was modified into CHARlizards, together with Shaunald, Joanne, Nathanael, Aaron, Luke, Janice, Alvin and the list goes on... or rather I forgot their names, I apologise. Joanne is Jasmine's sister, I never knew! Nevertheless, they're both really cute!! ^^ Well, this group was really fun to be with. (:

Throughout the day, I was pretty popular with QUESTIONS SPAMMED:
1. WOah, is that Celeste?
2. Who invited you?
3. So which church do you attend now?
5. Are you still using Blogger?

Ok so I practically repeated the same answers over and over again. I don't blame anyone for asking me, I mean, we haven't seen each other for sooooOOooOOOooOoo long and they're just... curious, plus it's probably time to catch up right? haha. Right after dinner, Aaron, Luke, Saul and Max went upstairs to Jam while Vanessa, Ben and I sat around the table to chat~ Then Ben had to go for a meeting so Vanessa and I went to check out how the Jamming session was. Aaron kept asking me to get my hands on the guitar. It's not that I didn't want to, BUT I haven't laid my hands on those strings for almost a year and I suck at it ):

At about 9pm, Eunice, Clara, Aaron, Luke, Saul, Vanessa, Max, Amos and I went to Pies and Coffee to chill because Starbucks was full house. We participated in 4pics1word and played Indian Poker- A character name in Hollywood, A character from Pokemon in the 1st & 2nd Generation, A name from the Bible in the Old testament. I would admit, I SUCK hahaha. We only left at 11.30pm and it was really nice of Ben to give me a lift home ((((: Overall, it was a fruitful and fun day bonding and enjoying the fellowship with my friends I haven't come in contact for awhile. Thank you God. :D

Probably about a year ago, I remember blogging about how much I prefer hanging out with my churchmates from AMK than the ones from COGS and that I didn't like how COGS was so serious about everything... I probably wasn't even thinking at all!! :/  So then Ben asked me: "How do you think the ministry has changed?" This question really left me thinking out of the box and just sitting here asking myself, what changed? Well... Shaunald had become more retarded and Opened up, which is definitely a good point. (: And compared to my immature self few years back, I understand now. I'd actually preferred the Spirit they had for Christ in COGS. Their Faith was Stronger and I liked that.