
Sunday, May 30, 2010

The 99% of giving up on you is there, but its the 1% that keeps me hanging.

Like what the shit. He just won Ten thousand dollars, a new piano and is gonna have record. Lucky kid.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

When I close my eyes, I see me and you at the prom.

Went for guitar today. Learnt 3 songs(italian) in an hour. Watched King Kong last night till 1.30am. Not bad la, but both my brother and I dont really get the storyline of the movie. A really funny conversation between my aunt, 3 years old cousin, Ice Wu and 12 years old cousin, Yi Xuan
Ice: I dont like to go school.
Aunt: Why, Yi Xuan also like to go school what. When she was sick, she still insists on going to school.
Yi Xuan: Eh!
Aunt: When she was young la.
Aunt: Did you make any friends today?
Ice: Yes. SashaShannon.....
Aunt: Stop! Say it with comma and fullstop.
Ice: Sasha, Shannon, Shameless, Yishun.
Aunt: So how many friends did you make?
Ice: 12345678910.
Then all of us started laughing and she emoed. Heheheh.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Be a gLeeful Loser.

I'm blogging with my phone for the very first time, cool <: Today feels like i've just poned classes for a day. Finished packing my luggage for next week's trip! (: Ate Steamboat for uncle's birthday today. Crystal is currently Malaysia so im kinda entertaining myself. Watching King Kong now for the first time too. The blacks were really hardcore when it comes to killing human. No tuition this week.

I want to pierce! But my mom says that if only I pass my Secondary 2 exams and promote to Secondary 3 express then I can pierce second earhole. Even my brother has 3 piercings! I also want to extend colour onto my hair, my mom says that I could, but if she doesnt like the way my hair looks and I dont look like a student, she'll snap it off immediately. Like WTF.

I'm starting to fall sick again. Hope it recovers before I go on a holiday. Some assholes hacked into Hayley Williams account and posted her nude photos online! Another WTF mann.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dear God, please save HER from drowning any deeper.

Yes, it was the last day of school yesterday but there was Meet-The-Parents Session today. Was in school from 8am all the way till 5.30pm. I SURVIVED 8 HOURS AGAINST *BOREDOM! I think Greyson Michael Chance's voice is way better than Justin Bieber. BUT, i'll give him 2 years, how old is he now? Bloody 12! His voice might break anytime. And so far, he only knows how to sing ONE song; Paparazzi. But he's cuter too. Comparing to the fringe flicking, his is annoying much. He should reduce on it. I'm going to the Universal Studious in June! YAY! ((: Weixuan, just take a break. I believe SHE won't feel good either.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

There is no remedy for love, but to love more

I thought hat B2ST members are really cute. But here comes F.cuz! Their chinese kinda suck, but they're KOREANS! haha. For both bands, i happen to like both guys that have 'white' hair. I think F.cuz's logo is also very nice, well B2st is Simplicity rocks the house! I thought that the video up there is COOL, but when Yao Yao comes in, it became 'cool'.

The best part is;

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

You appear just like a dream to me.

Just 5 more days to JUNE! And my peace+relaxation+sleeping+slacking+holiday'ish and more good stuff will come. And also Plus, HOMEWORK! LOL. There isn't a lot though. I can finish it within 3 days? I can't wait for 6 JUNE! That's when Super Junior is coming. BUT that's not the point; i'm going on a H-o-l-i-d-a-y! ((: E-learning today is like Eeeeeeeeeee. So freaking boring. Pastamania for dinner! :D

Your eyes are the stars i see at night, how beautiful.

The UK trip in June will not be cancelled due to any Volcano~~! :DD Having e-learning tomorrow. Geography will kill me, so tedious. There's bloody training too, but maybe i'll just skip. And yah, i wanna watch this moive, it seems really nice. 'LETTERS TO JULIET'.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The drunk mind, speaks a sober heart.

Totally slacked in school today. Was made to buy a diary that cost $2 just to show teacher target setting for Term 3. At least a quarter of the class went down to the General Office to purchase a stupid diary. And we only need ONE PAGE. Even the auntie from the office felt disgusted when we told her who our form teacher was. Slept in Chinese lessons and got caught by teacher a few times. Need to go back to school later for briefing. Poundering what will happen later. ):

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Here without you, Baby

I was superrr careless for Math and History paper. Well, my chinese, Geography and Science are CMI. And i improved from past results. ((:

English- B4
Chinese- C6
Math- D7
Chemistry- F9
Art- A2
History- B4
Homecons- C5
Geography- D7
Literature- C5

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Replay and watch my life fall apart.

Yeap, i had another blog. And i've decided to edit the other blogskin till i'm happy. So this MAY be just a temporary one. Stayed back in school and watched 'The Pursuit To HappYness'. I can only rate it at 3 stars, but you can try watching it. But not everyone will get the show. (P.S.Only if you're as smart as me) I told my mom about my results last night. All she said was: 'You are very smart right?' I take that as a compliment? Next Tuesday is E-learning day and i've randomly selected to do the NE survey. Can't wait for Sec 2 camp and learning journey to UK ((: Get well soon Weixuan! BTW, can anyone hear my music? I can't! D:

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Effing horrible results

Went for training today. Could tell that i seriously need my stamina back. So, there was this Secondary 1 Junior, i don't kinda know her. And she came to talk to me. Wherever i went, she 'stalked'; Gross. Slacked for 3 periods for Science cause Mrs Teo on course, while the rest of the cohord are checking their results. My class checked ours yesterday. And here are my effing bad results + overall:
English- B4
Math- C6/ D7
Chemistry- F9
Art- A2
History- C6/ B4
Homecons- C5
Geography- F9/ D7
Literature- D7/ C5

Monday, May 17, 2010

Screw exam results

Yes, my exam results are partially released and i failed 3/5. To calculate overall, i still failed 1/5 subjects. More to come tomorrow. I dont think i can take Pure Geography anymore. Literature is so-so. Sciences are kinda like gone case. Chinese main paper 21/40, class test 7/20. I know i'm professional at that. History and Math tomorrow! It determines my future.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Last Song

Went to watch The Last Song with Christine, Crystal, Vanessa, Valerie, Esheen, Gladys, Joveen, Shauna, Jie Qi, Priya, Sara and Lee Dea. IT'S FOC, including dinner. Thanks Christine. ((: In the entire show, both Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth kissed 8 times! (Crystal &Vanessa counted it) Liam Hemsworth is really hot. :DD The show is quite sad though, recommended to watch. (:

Friday, May 14, 2010


Ms Gan absent, no Math. Mrs Cumar absent, no English. Mrs Teo absent, no Chemistry. Do the teachers hate us that much or slacking after exams? Today 7 people ran for 2.4km and 100% passes. :DD 5 Periods damn boring... Watched Finding Nemo during English(Need to do Movie Review) and wifi-ed.

After school, went Macs with Crystal, Vanesa, Valerie, Priya, Gladys, Juliet, Celestial, Meryl , Megan, LiAnn, Iris, Jolene, YiYue, Rachel and Kamini for Celestial's Birthday. Then went Plaza Singapura with Rachel, Megan, Celestial, Adeline, Kamini, Juliet and Felyn to watch The Backup Plan; AGAIN. But since they treat me to the movie, i didn't mind. xDD

Just like Crystal, I really missed CANNA class to. To be exact, we went to Pathlight School yesterday for CIP and it was our last session with those children. Eden, Justin, Casey, Issac, Harith, Keith, Nelson, Chee Leong and Sonia are loved. ((:

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010


First lesson was Contact time. Kok spent whole damn 30 mins nagging and nagging. It's tiring pacing my friends who have yet passed their 2.4km. Like literally HALF THE CLASS; and i mean 20! Celestial and gang are like GONE CASE ohkay. They will hold back the whole class if this goes on. Wrote Chinese composition which totally Sucked, i swear. Went to MACS with Crystal and Vanessa. Met Ashley Tan there with 2 unknown boys. Then they said Hi and asked us for Ashley's class. Ashley is my friend, but it's not like i know her class. xDD Not now that i've found out, i feel proud about it. ((: Then we went to the toliet, her guys friends were like BYE~~.
We came back. They kept trying to say HI to us again and again. We practically went on laughing ang laughing. They tried to immitate us. LOL.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Backup plan

Currently at Chervelle's house. Going to watch THE BACKUP PLAN laterrrr together with Crystal! ((: Well, the show is not that bad afterall. Just that it's tiring watching people make love (which means Fck). And And And, watching the women (not Jennifer Lopez) giving birth is HELL OF A SCARY. It freaked Crystal and I out! Quite romantic lah. The storyline is not that bad. Can give this show a try.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Screwed up exam


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Stars (L)

I know it's the exams.. but i don't have the mood to study for Chemistry now.I simply love these singers; CASSADEE POPE, HAYLEY WILLIAMS, LIGHTS.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Great Depression

I'm currently suffering from The Great Depression memorising the The Great Depression for History test tomorrow. Just spoke to some Secondary 3 and Past Secondary School friends.
Should i take Pure History, Literature or Geography? Definitely no Pure Sciences for me, i suck at Science.

I'm told that I'm bad at memorising stuff so, Geog and History are out. But for Literature, if the marker doesn't like your explanation, you're bound to fail..

3 hours for Math tuition today, it killed me completely. Tiring cann.

HoLy ShIt! Training resumes tomorrow.

One more month to UK Trip & June holidays.