
Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Today after school, VanLin, SimPei and Crystal went to Sengkang to have lunch and left me alone in school. I had to clean up the classroom while EnEn, Jacelyn and Neli have their prayer cell group with Ms Chong. After cleaning, Celestial, LiAnn, Janis and Meryl have not taken thier lunch too, so i went to join them. I merely ate one ice-pop and drank a cup of milo-dinosaur, while the rest ate Prawn Mee. Whist eating, Celestial wanted to buy milo, so i said we go buy together, but she say she dun want to buy it with me; anyone but me! The 4 of them also talked about something which i dun quite understand but none of them wanted to tell me anything. When we went back to class after lunch, Megan came in. She said tt she went to another class. Then LiAnn played with a PSP and she was like damn happy cos it was her first time playing PSP. She played Crazy Taxi and she was a extremely bad driver; she doesn't know how to control the buttons; can't blame her for the first time. Megan lied down on the tables and i showed her a video on my HP, it was quite funnie though. And i was bored so i tried to tumble the table so tt Megan will fall; almost! After that, Megan threw a correction tape or a rather unusable one on dha floor. Then i tell her that i just swept the floor she now she dirted it! But LiAnn and Celestial claimed that they saw Megan was the one sweeping the floor; instead of me! WTH lah. After that we went to D&T room to continue our product at 3.30p.m. We left school at 4pm cos the room was closed at 4pm.

And oh, who watched Criss Angel a few weeks ago? It was like gross, watch video below.

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