
Monday, April 27, 2009

TEN of me

Are you single ? ; Duh; too young to be attatched.
Are you happy ? ; I dunno
Are you bored ? ; Quite; must study for exams
Are you fair ? ; Can't ask me
Are you Italian ? ; No, 99% Singaporean
Are you intelligent ? ; Not really
Are you honest ? ; Yeah
Are you nice ? ; Should be
Are you irish ? ; What's tt?
Are you asian ? ; Think so
Full name : Celeste Neo
Nickname(s) : XiaoQi Celeste
Birthplace : Gleneagles Hospital
Hair Colour : Dark Brown
Natural Hairstyle : Ya
Birthday : 210296
Mood : Happy
Fav. Colour : Orange and Lavaner
One place you would like to visit : America
Love or lust ? ; Love
Hard Liquor or Beer ? Still cannot understand
Cats or Dogs ? ; Dogs
A few bestfriends or any regular friend? A few bestfriends
Creamy or crunchy ? ; Crunchy
Pen or Pencil ? ; Pencil
Wild night or Romantic night ? NOTA
Money Or Happiness ? ; Happiness
Night or day ? ; Day
IM or phone ? ; Phone
Been caught sneaking out? ; Not at all
Seen a polar bear ? ; Obviously
Done something you regret ? ; Maybe
Bungee jumped ? ; Na
Eaten food that fell on the floor ? ; Yea
Finished an entire Jaw breaker ? ; What's tt
Been caught naked ? ; Of course not
Wanted an ex gf/bf back ? ; Never attatched
Cried because you lost a pet ? ; No
Wanted to disappear ? ; Sort of
Last phone call you made to ? ; Crystal
Last person you hugged ? ; Ah Bu
Last person you hung out with ? ; Still Ah Bu
Last time you worked ? ; Still studying
Last person you talked to ? ; Crystal
Last person you IM-ed ? ; What's tt?
Last person you texted ? ;uncountable
Last person you went movies with ? ;Valerie,Crystal,Vanessa,Karin,Charlene, Natalie,Zoey,Pamela,Gladys& Sister,Freda,Nicole,YuLing,Jocelyn
Last person you missed ? ; No one
Last website you visited ? ; www.blogger.com
-All is welcomed. :) -
Like anybody>?!?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Today after school, VanLin, SimPei and Crystal went to Sengkang to have lunch and left me alone in school. I had to clean up the classroom while EnEn, Jacelyn and Neli have their prayer cell group with Ms Chong. After cleaning, Celestial, LiAnn, Janis and Meryl have not taken thier lunch too, so i went to join them. I merely ate one ice-pop and drank a cup of milo-dinosaur, while the rest ate Prawn Mee. Whist eating, Celestial wanted to buy milo, so i said we go buy together, but she say she dun want to buy it with me; anyone but me! The 4 of them also talked about something which i dun quite understand but none of them wanted to tell me anything. When we went back to class after lunch, Megan came in. She said tt she went to another class. Then LiAnn played with a PSP and she was like damn happy cos it was her first time playing PSP. She played Crazy Taxi and she was a extremely bad driver; she doesn't know how to control the buttons; can't blame her for the first time. Megan lied down on the tables and i showed her a video on my HP, it was quite funnie though. And i was bored so i tried to tumble the table so tt Megan will fall; almost! After that, Megan threw a correction tape or a rather unusable one on dha floor. Then i tell her that i just swept the floor she now she dirted it! But LiAnn and Celestial claimed that they saw Megan was the one sweeping the floor; instead of me! WTH lah. After that we went to D&T room to continue our product at 3.30p.m. We left school at 4pm cos the room was closed at 4pm.

And oh, who watched Criss Angel a few weeks ago? It was like gross, watch video below.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Whoo! (40th Post)

If the wind could just keep blowing at our faces
Blowing all our worries away
How nice would it be
Just the both of us sitting on the sand of the seashore
Looking at the vast ocean
Ships and boats pass by
Whoo! Yesterday i talk on MSN with Felix and Ferdian, a.k.a the Indonesian students.
There is still no signs of Jane though we talk through Friendster sometimes.
And i bought Teenage mag. le. The front cover so cool sia; loove it!
And today i did the attendance taking machine again and did it like almost 10 times with Jocelyn
Tuition at Mavis was fun too!
Mr Imran told us a joke and decode this: Afjus Bin Fared and Ahnid Asheed
While decoding this as well by Mr Teo: Balderdash
You can ask me in the face if you really dunno

Friday, April 17, 2009

Save you- Simple Plan

If you fall, stumble down
I'll pick you up off the ground
If you lose faith in you
I'll give you strength to pull through
Tell me you won't give up
Cause I'll be waiting if you fall you know
I'll be there for you... ...
This lyric is part of Save you by Simple Plan
It's quite nice, must listen, it's recommended by me; haha
Sorrie, 2 days since i blogged :D
Anyway, my cousin denied that Habbo was FUN?!?
I dunno how fun it is to her mann but Habbo managed to 'Brainwash' her mind
Oh ya, today during chinese lesson, 王老师 was busy so she didn't come to class but instead she got Ms Lim as relief teacher
Let me tell you, it's a OMG okay;
I tried to 'challenge' her, it was a 'kind' act though. ahha
And during recess, i tried the 'titi' thing; the attendance taking machine la
And in the morning not successful, but now i successful for 6 times yea
During art lesson, we did drawing using Charcoal, it's so cool; OMG, OMG!
I find that LiAnn is like igoring me as day passes by lorh
It's like i've been used iterally again and again
Yesterday when we reached school from Asian Civillisation Musuem
I asked LiAnn to wait for me but she left like nobody's business
When i saw her at the bustop, she quickly got up 53 and left
As i looked into the bus, she turned her head to face the other direction
And! Janis Goh, she kept saying other ppl EXTRA
She said it to me and PeiSi, but now she's joining Celestial and gang for recess
I think she is then the extra one lahh... ...
After school, Me, Vanessa, PeiSi and Crystal went to library to use internet
We were actually using Facebook with many other ppl there
Then whilst happily using, the girl on duty said," No Faceboook please.''
I think she jealous tt she not using computer, Sianz
And now i am talking on MSN to my last year junior enemy; Dora Liaw Jie Qi
She's no longer my enemy lah, still my junior; like same character as me :P
Tomorrow must go for lessons from 3-4 and 4.30-6.30; sor sian
And good news! I got GOLD for my Napfa, 27 points but still Hooray Fer Celeste! :)
OMG, my 2.4 like impprove alot sia.
Trial timing was 17 plus, Training timing was 16.40 and todae's timing was 14.49.
I lost to Juliet by 27 Seconds but i managed to 2nd the class
Not bad mah right, hmphh. Ahaha
Nothing to say le, byes.
Celeste was here! :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

If one day... ...

If one day you feel like crying, call me
I don't promise i will make you laugh
but i can cry with you.
If one day you want to run away
Don't be afraid to call me
I don't promise to ask you to stop
But i can run with you

If one day you don't want to listen to
anyone, call me
I promise to be there for you
And i will be very quiet
If one day you needed care
I don't promise to make you happy
But i can accompany you
If one day you wanted
love, contact me
I don't promise to love you
But i will always be there
But if one day you call
And there is no answer
Come fast to see me
Perhaps i need you
If one day you really needed someone
to be there, loook out for me
I don't promise to be there
But I will, be watching you from heaven

Saturday, April 11, 2009