
Monday, January 26, 2009

fireworks at dawn

Today went to play fireworks with my cousins at the playground downstairs at my grandmother's house. There is nothing i can say here. But today was a bomb okay. I sort of received lik less then 15 redpackets lahh, so disappointed. And total lik only had $80+ lehh... Recession, i hate it!!!~And these were the pictures taken of me and my cousins... ...And if you look closely, you can only see one of my cousin and me in the picture becos we were they only ones there.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The three times fall

12 January 2009
It's Monday! Everyday is the same things happenging in school. Nothing to do one, so sian. Afternoon, after school, had lunch already, went to Primary school track for Track and Field auditions. Crystal, Karin and the rest went to visit the teachers but i cannot go with them. So sad.

13 January 2009
There's no school due to the Sec 4 and 5 students did well for their O Levels, so principal gave us one day holiday.Whole day at home do nothing except for completing my homework. There is not much homework to do though.

14 January 2009
The same routine happened again in school. After school, stayed back in school to do CNY class banner with Charlene, Sara, Gladys, Valerie, Vanessa, Crystal, Karin, Sheng Thieng, Pamela and some others.
After that, Liann brought her younger sister to come find me. She's sooooo cute lahh.

15 January 2009
Stayed back in school for Monitors' and Commitee members meeting in dance room. The room damn cold lah-i was freezing... ...I always put my handphone as slient mode, then as i was listening to Ms Yang, my handphone vibrated. Liann called, i did not answer her call lah. Later teacher scold or else confiscate my handphone. After the meeting then i called back her.

16 January 2009
Yestersday, I fell down in the canteen. Then while we were walking to the hall, Liann came behind me and pushed me down. I fell once again, she laughed at me nd nvr even say sorry lah. I pissed off man. During lunch, Amanda came and said Hi, then she said' Why you so emo?' Haha :) At night Uncle Jeffrey came and fetch me. Just as i was about to step into my grandma's house, as the entrace la, i almost fall backwards, But i didn't, Phew!

Friday, January 9, 2009


2nd January 2009
Its was the first day of school, I didn't quite like school; it wasn't my dream school at all! But it was for my own good lahh... ... sobs. the whole class, there were not even a single new student. I knew the whole class, they were all from PL Primary lorh. Most of the new students went to NA beocs non-affliation no express mah. so sian lor. NVM, the thing was, we had to do a Math and English test in order to band us into other classes. Went for recess with Crystal, Karin and Vanessa.

5 January 2009
Monday blues... ... Assembly was damn boring. Went for orientation until Tuesday.
On Tuesday, a very 'weird person'-Liann, came and sat with us at the table in the canteen whilst we were eating/ chatting.
i dun really get it.
She asked," Is anyone sitting here?"
I said,"No..."
And she just sat down

7 January 2009
Went for recess, as ususal with Crystal, Vanessa and Karin
I made a nick name for Karin: shortie :)
And again, during recess, Liann came again and sat down
I did actually ask her why she lik sit here and her reply was becos she wanted to sit with me.
I was even more confused then. Reson being, we had been in the same school for lik 6 years(primary), nvr been in the same class, therefore we dun know eachother. And now in Sec one, she just lim popped up lik that, it was alright though.
After recess? It was chapel time, Liann wanted to sit with me. Poor Crystal was being pushed back.

8 January 2009
Gathered with TW, CS, AL, SN, NC, ET, JG, VL, KS, JK and some of our older classmates. And Liann also joined us.
When we got back to class, Mr Lee says he wanted to change our sitting arrangements. But Mdm Amuda took over him and 'ruled us'.
I was lik sitted at the second row of the class. I wanted to sit with Liann, so i asked Serene, Charlene and Natalie for and exchange of seats. Only until Celestial asked Natalie then she changed seat with me. But behind me is still Janis and beside me is Yi Yue. Liann was seated behind Yi Yue.
After school, walked back with Crystal. She said,' Celeste like Liann'. I managed to shut her mouth up for the next sentence.

9 January 2009
Today is a tiring day after the CCA identification thingy, had muscle aches. Assembly is again boring... ...After that went back to class and Mr Lee made us join our table together. I was lik OMG. but better than sitting with Serene Foo lorh. After Chinese lesson, Liann and Yi Yue did a switch in their seats. Liann sat with me- yay, finally... ... Liann was abit crazy today, she siao one. I dun care her. Hahas xD