
Thursday, May 30, 2013

347; Calarice.

Feeling so happy for Calarice's(Alarice + Calvin) marriage. Alarice is someone whom i really look up to and gives me the urge to be like her, to pursuit more of God's goodness. In time to come, the right guy will appear in front of me, the right guy that God has choosen for my happiness, just like how he has picked for Alarice.

"Wow, i think i want to buy that vow."

Me too.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

346; Baby i've just ran out of band aids, I don't even know where to start.

Lately I’ve been consumed into the life of a Polytechnic student. I make new friends, we go a little more crazy than my friends and I would in Secondary school, we make a fool of ourselves, we laugh, we stay out late, but here’s the catch; my friends love making fun of me.

1. Curfew 
Because I came home later than my curfew(11pm) few days back(11.30pm), and did not inform my mum about my whereabouts, my curfew now has been changed to 9pm. So my mum said that I’ve been coming home later than her coming home after work and that’s unacceptable. It’s only recently that I come home late… I’VE BEEN COMING HOME TO AN EMPTY HOUSE FOR YEARS, MUM. And I was accused for going out till late hours and not coming home immediately after school. IT’S NOT LIKE MY FRIENDS AND I GO OUT OF SCHOOL AT ALL. MAJORITY OF THE TIME, WE STAY IN CLASS TO COMPLETE OUR ASSIGNMENTS AND GO TO THE SCHOOL’S CAFÉ TO CHILL. THAT’S ALL. DOES THAT MAKE ME A REBEL? DOES THAT MAKE MY CLASSMATES A BAD COMPANY? DID I CHANGE FOR THE WORSE? Someone please enlighten me. I really do not see anything bad about my classmates nor chilling in school. It’s not like when I come home at 6pm there will be anyone anyway…

And that’s not enough. All day long in school, my friends just kept going about curfews, and whether a curfew can be eaten or not. I know they just take it as a joke, but to me, AS IF HAVING A CURFEW ISN’T PATHETIC ENOUGH, MUST YOU ADD ON TO IT?!

2. Small eyes
Yes, by now, everyone knows that I’ve got small eyes. And the guys in my class wouldn’t stop teasing me about it. It’s genes, and not like I’ve got control over the size of my eyes anyway… They even said that I do not require a palm to cover my eyes, just a pinky will do. So I thought that I can start afresh in tertiary education, but it kinda went overboard.

3. Purity
So then most of my classmates are legal(18 years& above) or came from Mixed Schools, while i'm here, stuck in my ALL GIRLS SCHOOL pitiful self. I guess it's normal for couples to be formed... I mean, in just 1 month, BAM!, 2 couples in my class... Whenever my classmates talk about sex or those NC16 topics, yes i know i'm already 17, i still feel like i'm stapled to my 15 year old self. Either that or maybe because of the people i mixed with then. We certainly do not go round the classroom talking about sex and what not... Our definition of extreme was Throwing Sanitary Pads in class... now yknow what i mean by purity.

Well, i just have to accept the fact that i'm out of an All girls school, and now i'm studying with BOYS--- though my classmates may be 18,19,20, they behave like they're 16... or worse. Nevertheless, it has its perks of having boys around, especially those in my class, they lighten the mood every lesson. (:

Back to the point, i think i really have to pick up my pace of catching up with everyone else. So many sexual terms they use, and i get confused with every new word they say. Then i wonder if it's good to be innocent sometimes... ...

Sunday, May 19, 2013

345; I love rain, i love you.

Lately i've been hooked on to Love Rain(finally) after dragging through the first 4 really boring episodes. Throughout this drama, a question really got me going... "What if one day, you had to give up the love of your life for someone else's happiness?" Have you ever give a thought about that? Well you may say i'm too young to talk about love and what not... No, i'm not in love. I'm just wondering, maybe curious. The characters in the show gets me upset and depressed. I like how the characters are perfect and are meant for each other, but not when they can't get together...?! I'm just thinking... because in the near future,  I believe someone out there will be meant for me too. We can seem like a flawless couple, but in the midst of our happiness, something will definitely get in our way... Isn't that how life works? To spin human beings like roller coasters going all over the place, to screw us all up. Idk, maybe i watch too much drama that i'm afraid of being in love. sigh.

On the other hand, I have been OOVOOing too much with everyone. I mean comeon, OOVOO is really useful when you have no time to meet up with your friends and is a platform for you to meet them virtually. I'm thankful for webcams. (: Having retarded chatting sessions late into the night with my Bitches, makes me miss every single one of them so very much, and only wanting to cherish this friendship so much more. And then you get a retarded friend which you can OOVOO with during lectures, Samuel Teo. He's really dumb i promise. All i can say is, i'm grateful for my friends.

If you were wondering what happened to my routine at school... I'm still having more fun than ever. I just don't get the point of Curfews yknow... Maybe I'm taking it too far but, at the age of 17, ISN'T IT THE PRIME AGE OF GOING OUT THERE TO EXPLORE AND ENJOYING YOURSELVES?! To the person who introduced the idea of curfews, you suck. You probably didn't have much friends, nor get to experience a teenage-hood. I.hate.curfews.