Sunday, November 28, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Gravity is not responsible for people falling in love.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
If you fall for me, i'm not easy to please.

PHUA LI ANN. Someone so close to being a perfectionist retard. I hope i don't get a divorce any soon cause I'm so mean to her, heh. I'm here because i have to dedicate another post to my husband. (I owed it to her actually, from weeks ago)
To start off, we NEVER knew each other's existence. Then we suddenly became really close, good friends. To the point that i even neglected my own clique. Then after a point of time, its like back to the start and even worse. Like we kinda ignored each other and she seemed to detest me. On her birthday, that was the very first post i dedicated to her for the year 2010, EPIC. And below are the funny conversations i dug out from Facebook. And our song is on the playlist! (:
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I am a flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomorrow.

Just came back from Sec 4 farewell camp. (imma one-eyed monster!) More pictures, they're all with my seniors. 2 days 1 night was pretty fun. I missed Esheen, she's overseas so couldn't join us. Merissa piggy begged me to play some disgusting game, so cool right. While some others were sleeping, Ruying, Jenny, Vivien, Sowyee and I were taking pictures, Sec1s having their party, Sec 3&4s playing Monopoly Deal(?) Had a entire morning full of fun and creative games.
Well, of course there was clean-up time, so Sec 1 and 2 were in charged of the toilets. It was super F.U.N washing toilets. We laughed our heads off. And after washing the cubicles, we went to pee again from laughing too hard. Played Captain's Ball as bonding game. Sec 2&3 VS Sec 1&4. We lost, 9-16 Though we lost, we seemed happier than the winners. Cause i think they took the game seriously, and all we did was to enjoy ourselves. This was like the slackest camp ever, we played, we had loads of fun, we laughed, we fell and injured ourselves.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected.

My brother is having his Prom Night, my mom Dinner and Dance, Me dying of boredom. Therefore, i played my own music at home, and danced with myself. Went to went to watch 'UNSTOPPABLE' with Vanessa at Plaza Singapura. Wanted to watch Megamind instead, but Crystal said it wasn't that commendable. Chris Pine, still as handsome. :D
I hate getting spammed. Especially with a 'I LOVE YOU'. I just find it plain disgusting.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Like fire and rain, you can drive me insane.

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Cause baby you're a firework.

Have you ever wondered, maybe life's not what we expect it to be like. Or maybe, we live for others and not for ourselves. It sucks when you cant find a direction to work towards to. It sucks when you have absolutely no idea what's going to happen next, it may even destroy you. It sucks when those bad things which occur within your family, and you're just the useless soul, watching the entire process. The 2nd Cuba, or rather, Worldwar 3 had just happened in my life.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
I'm missing you so much, can't help when i'm in love.
Got this video from Weixuan's livejournal. Sungha Jung looks kinda cute,and his guitar skills is awesome.
I miss school, i miss my friends, i miss my classmates, i have the sudden urge to rewind time and see myself sitting in the classroom. I kept seeing the counter increasing as i refresh this page, but hardly anyone tags. ):
Thursday, November 4, 2010
No one can deny this love I have inside.

Slept at 3am last night, and woke up at 10am. Met Esheen, Ruying, Sowyee, Vivien and Serene @ Pizza Hut for lunch. Esheen said something, then i added on and on and on. So then the rest just kept laughing non stop. After eating, we asked for the Bill. While waiting, we played Dare or Dare. But it took like 10 minutes for payment. So we went to the cashier instead. Went for training. 5km, 5 rounds of 100m parlour, 5 sets knee lift, 2 rounds of cool down. Weixuan made this blogskin for me. :DD