
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.

W O W, i actually passsed my chinese and failed Physics. A total mess up of what i expected. I failed Geography too, i haven been passing it since last year, except for one term this year. I got a B3 for math. Someone who hardly; struggles to pass Mathematics. :B Chinese oral today, i was like the last to be tested and it kinda suck. I waited... ... i was damned tired and when i sat down, the teacher kept asking me questions unrelated to the question she asked me. Plus, she kept looking at her watch, annoying much. Taking back History and Literature papers tomorrow, im either gonna be a Poet or Historian in future, heh.

I simply miss United Kingdom; Beth, Sam, Chloe, Mickey, Joe, Rowena. And im missing YOG too soon, haha. Hot guys are gone, lifelessness in Singapore once again; hias.

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