
Sunday, July 27, 2008

friends are stressing at times( Part one)

i just dun knoe how to say it but i have to relieve a bit of dat stress. These were the people involved in this situation and they were: Vanessa Lin~Vanna Teng~ Charity~Myself~Crystal Soo &Siew Jie Ling. It all started with Vanna Teng. I was best friends with Charity and Vanna came into dhha story and "snatched" Charity away from me.( Nvm, its OK as Charity chose to go wif Vanna, I forgave her.) So now, Vanna and Charity are best friends. But then(after observing for a period) Crystal and i felt that Vanna is trying to get close to Vanessa(Who is Jie ling's bestfriend). Everything Vanna did was with Vanessa, not wif Charity. One fine day, i asked Vanna why she did most of the things with Vanessa and n0t Charity? She then "scolded" me and said :" You want , you go and be her bestfriend lar!" Just then Crystal was sitting beside me listening to our conversation said(after Vanna left) :"I that we were just testing her about friends but it turned out to be her true colours!" We both kept quiet then.

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