
Sunday, July 27, 2008

Friends can be stressing at times (Part Two)

This is Part two of my stressing times at skoi. People in it were: Myself` Lim Tian Wei`Crystal Soo`Koh Ting Suen`Zoey Neo & Hannah Toh. Zoey was then cause of it. In school now, Tian Wei Crystal, Ting Suen and myself are best friends but Crystal and i (it is always the both 0f us, i dunno why) noticed that Zoey kept following us(The five of us, including Hannah,not Zoey) not just during recess but even group work. We suspect that Zoey has the intention to want Ting Suen to be her best friend. What we suspect is that Zoey is wanting to get closer to us so that we may allow her to mix with our whole group and she can slowly be with Ting Suen. Crystal and i felt very unsafe now but we will try to not allow Zoey to be with us.

friends are stressing at times( Part one)

i just dun knoe how to say it but i have to relieve a bit of dat stress. These were the people involved in this situation and they were: Vanessa Lin~Vanna Teng~ Charity~Myself~Crystal Soo &Siew Jie Ling. It all started with Vanna Teng. I was best friends with Charity and Vanna came into dhha story and "snatched" Charity away from me.( Nvm, its OK as Charity chose to go wif Vanna, I forgave her.) So now, Vanna and Charity are best friends. But then(after observing for a period) Crystal and i felt that Vanna is trying to get close to Vanessa(Who is Jie ling's bestfriend). Everything Vanna did was with Vanessa, not wif Charity. One fine day, i asked Vanna why she did most of the things with Vanessa and n0t Charity? She then "scolded" me and said :" You want , you go and be her bestfriend lar!" Just then Crystal was sitting beside me listening to our conversation said(after Vanna left) :"I that we were just testing her about friends but it turned out to be her true colours!" We both kept quiet then.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Blahh... ...

I have updated many things today, ppl! Take a look. I am quite a boring person tats why i am having a blog to keep myself brighter? Maybe! HAHAHA. Wwell i love going to church and skoi but get bored easily... ...(Like now~) There is nothing on the internet and many ppl rarely go online tat may be the reason why! I have homework undone at times when i am free but just not in da mood!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Helloz (1st Post)

Helloz everyone,
Welcome to my blog! First of all, I am me~(duh) and a gurl! Nothing else to say already lar~ Want to know more about me? Wait for my next post then. HAHA! If you know me, give me some comments :D