
Friday, June 15, 2012

328; Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Freedom.

Thank God for #FREEDOM2012. This retreat was indeed a time for me to rest and to be Spiritually revived, to leave everything behind and to cast all my burdens unto him. "LET GO, LET GOD." I really wonder i'd be like without God.

And of course, there would be time of fun and bonding with everyone else; just that it's Less Games, and More of God. I made more friends and also managed to reunite with my friends from #CODERED2011. I was placed into a group (BLACK WIDOW) with people I didn't feel comfortable with at first. (Nigel, Timothy, Ernest, Min Ru, Joy, Clara, Jia Hui, Agnes, Mee Fong) I found them... weird. Who knows, my groupmates that I spent with for 3 days 2 nights turned out to be similar to what I had experienced with last year.

COWMMANDOS: "Initially, i thought that my group was so quiet and no one bothers to give their comments. Then slowly i realised that everyone actually plays a very important role as a group member, giving and contributing in their small, different ways." And true enough, BLACK WIDOW was similar. Maybe it just happens in every group... We started off with Amazing Race and I would honestly confess that I'd preferred last year's "obstacles."

This year, it was Pastor Jasper who preached to us. He told us about his life experiences and how God pulled him out of the abyss he was caught up in for many years. In fact, I was inspired by how a person he has changed and how strong he still can be despite all those sins. He was there, to make sure that whatever he tells us, is so that we do not fall into the same pit as he did.

Hebrews 10:17
Then he adds: "Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more."

Galatians 5:1
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

These 3 songs were sang on the final night; Fire Fall Down, You Are Here(The Same Power), I Am Free. It feels like they're songs written to represent my life. I could relate to the lyrics of these songs so powerfully and I just broke down in tears when I heard it. Last year, I felt God and met his all mighty presence. However, it was a entirely different experience this year. I didn't meet God, and I was confused whether it was him or not. I had difficulties breathing, I had to try really hard to control myself. Not much tears, nothing. It was just me resting in his presence.

After all those, it was the Final Night! Somehow, this Youth Retreat Camp seemed like it was only 2 days... (insufficient) And YES! I didn't sleep till the very end.. which is on the Breakfast table...