
Thursday, April 12, 2012

327; In the end we only regret the chances we didnt take.

Its already the 2nd week of April and what have I been doing? Wasting my time away. Of course, I'm already starting to feel the pressure of O Levels but I don't seem to be doing anything about it. I haven't been studying, I haven't been going to church, I haven't been handing in my homework on time, what am I doing? My laziness is killing me. Looking back, these were my 2012 resolutions, have I fulfilled them at all?

1. 10 points for O Levels and go ACJC!!!
2. I need to grow taller
3. Be punctual for school
4. Tweet less
5. Stop copying homework
6. Refrain from sleeping in class
7. Attend training regularly
8. Solidify my fats into abs
9. Top 50 positions for Nationals Cross Country
10. 10mins for 2.4km

Yup, so far 3 of my goals were satisfied. Nationals are over, I didn't get to participate in it. But at least, I managed to clinch the Top 50 positions for Swift. I really want to have abs, and i'm working hard on my fats. (: 2.4km run is in 2 weeks time. And so far, my training timings was only 13mins. I should train harder. On the other hand, there haven't been any training and my stamina is deteriorating. ):